

by - Monday, August 20, 2007

im back!

today, went to school and realised that GFs will be reporting later.. hahahs!! so i had my morning without them. PE, played captain ball.. the boys joined us, and i had an accident/retribution. hahaas~ i was trying to catch the ball and it hit my mouth. i was lucky that only my lips bleed but it was a minor injury. nothing big~ hahahas!! chem today was light. POA, we slacked in the conference room as mrs tan did not come for lesson. we went for early recess. hahahas~ alright im lazy to continue already.. overall, today is a nice day!!

spoke with my dear gal just now. cheer up! u have me and others...remember, even im busy, if u need me i will still stop and sit down with u. =D

i really hate my mother's side family. especially my aunts. WTH~ mummy had already hire a maid to make things easy for everyone and yet all of u are complaining. maid is oso a human. some things some of u can do, u dont need to call for the maid. fishball~ and please. u thought grandma is happy that there's a maid there to take care of her. if she has the energy to do it, she wouldnt even want a maid in the 1st place. stop calling up my mummy and making her worry more. come on~ all of u are adults.. stop relying on my mummy. u have SONS and DAUGHTERS who are already working and they did had their education!! FUK OFF!! im really pissed off by all of u. my mummy is not your lawyer or what. and pls~ my sis and i are still studying and young, while your kids are all adults already... u have more time than my mummy cos she has to look after us. stop asking her to go down to grandma house so often. FUK! i hate all of u.. and dont come crying if grandma goes. i will definitely call u a hypocrite!! just FUK OFF! bloody aunts!

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