

by - Monday, August 13, 2007

why guilty?
okays.. the story goes like this..

first period of the day is PE. so we had captain ball instead of floor ball. my group consists of chaywei, weiting, joanne and shiting. first incident, i was jumping to try to get the ball and din realised chaywei was behind me..so i knocked her mouth with my elbow.. and it BLEEDS!!! oh my~ i was so worried lars.. kept asking her is she okay? so.. are u okay, chaywei? secondly, i was passing to ball to weiting and it hit her nose... hais!! sorry~ lastly, same..trying to get the ball, i accidentally hit felicia's head with my elbow again... omg!!! really guilty man!! hahahas~ but all of them are so forgiving.. love!!! hees~

friends got back their olvl chinese results.. well done friends!! whether some of u are retaking or not... just jiayou for the whole olvl alright?

okays... lazy to type anymore.. cyas!

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