

by - Saturday, August 04, 2007

chatted with kampong just now. hahahas~
so guilty that i didnt wish him.. =D
going HG Mall later with mummy to buy my earpiece. hees~ finally!!
will be back very fast cos mummy going grandma house but im not. hehs~ coming back home, and do my homework. prelims are coming. although only one subject, but i need to score well too.

mdm liew and mrs koh coming to our class next tuesday. lols!! let's be attentive 409!! hahahas~

for those who tag, really thanks!! i am feeling alright.. no worries kays!!

i get hold of Su Nyuh Shi Dae's new single already.. 2 songs. very nice~ they really didnt disappoint me.. cos there are alot of bad comments about them.. waiting to see their debut performace tomorrow at Inki Gayo!! HWAITING!!

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