

by - Friday, August 24, 2007

im back home...

today lessons are boring. blehs~ chinese, did complain letter. math, mrs thang was not around but work was assigned. i had lots of questions that i do not know how to answer. damn~ english, group discussion. hahas~ recess, i ate bread which was made by mummy! :) SS, was busy doing Source-based question and i did it wrongly. re-write... siian! after school, met rongyi and sabrina for lunch. hahahas~ then they went back to school for their oral whereas, i went home.

gonna do my work later... guess, im burning midnight oil this weekend. so many papers!!! yesterday 2/3 schools and today 3 more school papers to do!! rahh!!!!!!!! im going crazy~
and and!! tuesday is D-Day(Doom's Day) :(

off now!

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