

by - Thursday, January 17, 2008

i feel so tired today. actually many of my classmates too!

guessed it should be the weather. freaking humid!

kickboxing today was still fun! except for the nagging session. hahas~ we did class cheers.. and the three 5Ns' cheer! i feel that the 5Ns'08 are so united. we helped each other. that's good! jiayou 5Ns!! i passed my physics' test! whee! happy! although it's just a pass. hahas!

after school, went out to coffee shop to eat prawn mee! saw wilson and nicholas!! finally, i get to eat prawn mee! hahahas~ ohya! we have 2 jokes today. during chinese lesson, there was a group of vball gals walking pass the class. so mstee was inside the class (fyi, the girls could not hear mstee). mstee asked where are they going. so amanda replied 'ta men qu da bi sai~' the whole class burst into laughter. becos amanda had phrased it wrongly. hahahas~ secondly, i heard it from char. she said during emath, shengjie wanna asked for correction fluid. so he asked 'can lend me the liquid kind of correction tape?' LOLS! liquid kind! hahahas~
back to prawn mee. therefore, chaywei wanna order prawn mee without prawn. so i joked with her by using shengjie's joke. hahahas~ after eating, went to the little bookshop. bought things for dragon making. back to school!

and and! jiahao told me that the meeting was cancelled!! ohmy! faint! hahas~
went home after pasting the mouth. hees~

tomorrow, i am going NP's open house. hees~


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