

by - Wednesday, January 02, 2008

first day of school!
meet felicia and chaywei at CP...we went school together. hahahas! so excited!
well, morning assembly was long

went back to class..we climbed up till 4th floor. *tired* mrs wong is our form teacher!! she planned our class seating. guess who is sitting beside me?? is PIG TOH WEITING! hahahas~ shock! wahahaha~ i feel so squeezy ne!! i was appointed as the class chairperson. ohmy~ the class.... dont wanna say. anyway, 502, please help me too. hahas! 3 talks today. firstly, target setting, secondly, CIP.. lastly, discipline. hahas! dismissed after that.
we went point for lunch and then home. lesson starts tomorrow. and and! school system change..as in time-table. ohmy~ gonna rmb my time-table properly!!

end here.. gonna do homework ler

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