

by - Monday, January 14, 2008


it's my papa's big day today!

502 had a bad morning today i think. sad ne~ we did not get to use the SRR. all thanks to one teacher. well, 502 still a good class. we will get to use it soon, kays? 502~ hwaiting! lessons today were okay. i felt so sleepy. rahh~ assembly was nice! a cartoonist came to our school and taught us how to drow cartoons. i have a cute tortise! hahas~ cme, did some ability test. it's the same old one which i did every year. however, my abilities changed. still remain the same, the best in me is musical.. very true~ i need music. if not, i cant survive. i am intrapersonal! INTRA! ohmy~ so shock to see the results. okay~ i admit i did self-reflection often. talk to myself often. im not scary.. LOLS!

stayed back after school to help with the travel fair thingy. many stayed back and help. i really appreciate it. and those who did not even stay back once to help, i hope you guys do something. i do not want just some of us doing the thing. this event is ours. it's a school event.

i felt so bad that i could not celebrate daddy's bdae. sis and i came home late. really feel bad about it. i did not even pass the present to him personally. what a daughter! i think daddy is sad! how?! i hope daddy likes his wallet. i bought for him!

aish~ i still have not start on the presentation. wtf~ so many things! i think i gave some people attitude today. and was really irritated. i dont know why~ think im stress! what! it's only january and im stress! fishball! terrible~ im sorry if i showed nasty temper to anyone! mianhe!

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