

by - Thursday, January 31, 2008


i feel to sick today. i had a terrible sore throat that when i woke up, i dare not swallow my saliver. soon, i coughed! you know, if i cough, it will be terrible cos it will take a long time to recover. sucks man! then, in school, i sneezed! then again, i caught a flu. yes! again!!! cough and flu together. so i did not stay back after school. reached home, i had fever. come and go~ shit! get giddy too. sometimes, i feel like dying when i fall sick. rahh!

had 2 tests today. sure flunk! becos no energy to think.. for emath, i admit that i had moodswing. i hope it do not affect weiting. hehs! a sudden chinese test was given. jeolyn, char and i kept saying 'agitate yo!'.. lols!

and to mr tang, can u sotp calling me lao ren? you are much more older than we lors! still say me! dont be like sherman! LOLS! oops!

bye.. gonna study physic test!

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