
502'08 IS LOVED!

by - Sunday, January 13, 2008

sorry ne~ did not blog yesterday.

met adeline, weiting, huixin and felicia at cp. ate lunch at the foodcourt. felicia tricked us.. hahas~ took 27 and change to no 8 to TP. oh my~ TP is high! hahahas~ went to know more about their tourism. set! i am going to set my target to get into hospitality management. so cool~ went to take a look at media courses too. ohmy~ tv producer, broadcast journalist, etc. anything in the media industry attracts me. 2 targets, and i shall work through it! hwaiting!
saw desmond kor kor. went tampines mall after that. bought daddy's present and back to cp. ate mac for dinner with weiting and felicia. went to rent proposal daisakusen dvd.

i had finished watching the dvd! fast rite? i think so too! finished 11 episodes less than 2 days! im so pro ne! however, that drama taught about something. i saw how kenzo and his friends stayed together. when kenzo wasnt in the mood to see the first sunrise of the year, they drove to his house and gave him a surprise. and so, they get to see the first sunrise together. even when most of them came to the working world, they still meet each other often. i like that. but! like what the 精灵 said, instead working so hard to change the past, why not work hard and change the future~ so true ne!

the future is in our hands!


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