

by - Wednesday, January 30, 2008


firstly, i wanna thank people who messaged to wish me!! i woke up midnight to read. however, i fell asleep and replied only in the morning. sorry~ hehs!

i love my 18th bdae! thankyou so much everyone.

my class, 502, gave me a surprise. they are good actors and actresses lars! hahahas~ thanks for the pizzas! thanks 5Ns for singing bdae song!! i aprreciate it alot alot! i will not forget it.

thanks to people who wishes me when they see me!!

thanks xiaoheng for your chocolate~
thanks mrs wong for everything.
thanks 502 for the mini party!
thanks wenan, dexter and sherman for the mickey mouse! (now, it has become the biggest among all mickeys i have)
thanks liping and tingwei for the presents!! (liping, there will a short message for u. so pls carry on reading!)
thanks nicole for the card. it was nice!
thanks to mr and mrs jamin fot the 'gun'. LOLS!
thanks mr tang for wishing.
thanks sec 5Ns!!

TO Liping:
i really love the presents that u and tingwei gave me. for the card, i agree the drawing represented us. u drew it very well and i guess i will notdrow so well. LOLS! it was true that i really miss the days that i can see you in school. but i know our friendship will not have a fullstop. there are comas but never ending. right? thanks for wishing me. so i shall wish u too. remember, once a friend, always a friend. ur card really touch me lars~ thanks for that motivational quote! i love you to bits!

thanks people! i really really feel very grateful. it was a very memorable and wonderful 18th. those who never give me present, pls do not fret over it. i wont fuss over it. just a wish or a card and that will cheer me up. so once again, thank you!

i think time flies. now i am 18. the legal age. i have reach! 30 Jan 2008 touched me. frankly speaking, when they sang bdae song in the canteen suddenly, i almost teared. i told mummy it was a very happy bdae i ever had. you know the kind of happiness that can never be describe or to say that it is difficult to describe. thanks god, my 2 grandpas and my grandmother for watching me. i know 3 of you are smiling up there becos my 18th went smoothly. neomu neomu kamsahamnida!

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