

Thursday, January 31, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
annyoung!i feel to sick today. i had a terrible sore throat that when i woke up, i dare not swallow my saliver. soon, i coughed! you know, if i cough, it will be terrible cos it will take a long time to recover. sucks man! then, in school, i sneezed! then again, i caught a flu. yes! again!!! cough and flu together. so i did not stay back after school. reached home, i had fever....

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Wednesday, January 30, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY TO ME!firstly, i wanna thank people who messaged to wish me!! i woke up midnight to read. however, i fell asleep and replied only in the morning. sorry~ hehs!i love my 18th bdae! thankyou so much everyone.my class, 502, gave me a surprise. they are good actors and actresses lars! hahahas~ thanks for the pizzas! thanks 5Ns for singing bdae song!! i aprreciate it alot alot! i will not forget it.thanks to...

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Wednesday, January 30, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
thanks shiting for the drawings! <3thanks people for the presents! really thankful!thanks mummy! <33i love them all! hahas~ loves! ...

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
i saw something!! can anyone get me BIG BANG Notebook?? hahahas~EDITfinished revising my chem. i felt so proud of myself. i managed to study. hees~ thanks my hubbies for giving me sucha big motivation. and of course to improve my science so that mrs raj will not be disappointed and also to stunt mr tee! hahahas~however, i did not touch my math again. worksheet 7 is hate by xue'e. the questions are challenging. LOLS. oh...

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
annyoung!i am so excited. hahahas~ i am turning 18 tomorrow. hahas~ i know the brothers and sisters will be saying i am old tomorrow. in fact, they do that to me everyday. wenan even countdown. that's very 'KIND' of them. LOLS!school today was still looong! supposed to pass buyer her clothes but she ended class late. therefore, passing her maybe on friday. mrs tan was good cos she postponed poa test to next week. very...

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Monday, January 28, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
hellos!it was a long day today. air-con in the class made my eyes feel uncomfortable. maybe becos my contact lenses. english was okay. we went through compre together. geog, did questions on deforestation. poa~ amalgamation amkes me blur. hahahas~ totally lost. and test will be on wed. sucks man. recess, when i reached class not long, i checked my phone and realised chinying called me. so i read her sms and called her. ran down...

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Sunday, January 27, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
hello!happy sunday?stayed at home today. however, time passes damn quickly. packed my files and now i finally can file new worksheets. LOLS!jut now i watched KMTV. wow~ i love my hubbies man! it was TVXQ! the repeat their school of rock. however, i still get to see them. i felt so fortunate! ahh~ i can sleep nicely tonight! i love junsu~ gonna dream of him. lols~there is meeting tomorrow and a long day for lessons....

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Sunday, January 27, 2008 / BY hseolahcc

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Saturday, January 26, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
sorry for not blogging yesterday becos i was so tired.school was fun yesterday. i felt abit moody some times, however, i am able to handle my feelings. pe was fun. we cheered. LOLS! poa test was shit cos the question was unexpectable and i cant balance. hahas~ stayed back after school to touch on the dragon. went lunch with fariz and reginald. went home around 3+.today, woke up early. went breakfast with erjie. after eating,...

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Saturday, January 26, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
dancing~shoutouts!destress~designed by 502.motto! ...

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Thursday, January 24, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
annyoung!i have no mood to blog.in the morning, the class was trying to calm down by singing lots of cartoon songs. i laughed alot. i met liping ard 12pm for lunch. we chatted alot. it has been dont know how long since we last sit down and talk to each other. went back to sch and reported to the hall.jump straight to my results. it sucks... my chinese was a B3 which was utterly disappointed....

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
annyoung!i came home early today. took a half an hour nap and watched dvd! the drama was damn funny! hahahas~ the postman sent me my parcel! yay! i got my clothes! like it alot! gonna wear it to penang!school today was fun although i was abit tired. i wanna tell you a funny incident. recently, someone brought a small rugby ball to school. so the boys were playing it.. today, while they were playing, jiahao...

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
i am feeling damn guilty now and also feeling frustrated.i wanna jump down from 12 level and SHOO! all frustrations and memories erase!wad the fuck lars!the presentation is screwed. and i made mrtang to redo it. and also fariz to help. how useless am i!! i sucks man!who can save me?i could not cope with the stress now!dont come and say u are stress! cos i have tons of things in my brain now. and...

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
im back!school ended late today.so tired!lols~school today was fine. except lessons were abit boring. LOLS! ppt was sent to mrtang last night. till now, i still do not have his reply. i hope he can quickly tell me what to amend..cos i dont wanna burn night oil. presentation is tmr. however, i am not the one presenting. but still need to do everything right! hahas~ people just talk what is up there but i had...

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Monday, January 21, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
i am so busy today. no time to blog~gonna sleep soonfariz! can u quicly accept the file?!hahahas~results on thur! whee!goodnite readers! ...

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Sunday, January 20, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
heyhey!i am so tired now. my eyes damb blurry.think my eyes gonna swollen soon! ahh~ it had just healed not long.ohya~ the presentation is more or less done. now still waiting for mr tang and mr lim to email me theirs.hehs!i wanna thank jalyn, debbie and zien for saving me. hahas~ i am so glad that 3 of u are willing to help me. kamsahamnida!thanks to those who have submit their parts on time. although...

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Sunday, January 20, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
rahh~ damn irritated now!!fishball~so stressed up. can u imagine i have to deal with 2 presentations? 1 presentation down, left one more which is the major one. if i could not handle it properly, the whole fair will go down the drain. and i will feel utterly guilty.i am now facing such a huge difficulty. i dont wanna trouble anyone so i have to go through it myself. not blaming anyone..but blaming myself. hais~ i...

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Sunday, January 20, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
ytd...met weiting at CP around 12+. and she saw late! hahahas~ bought food and bubble tea to chaywei's house. chatted till adeline come. and we started doing our project. finished around 3pm. we left. weiting and i went burger king to eat fries. hahas~ then, we went orchard fareast. weiting went to look for her cny clothes. she bought 1 top. personally, i think it looks good on her. hahas~ serious hors! and then, we...

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Friday, January 18, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
HAPPY 18TH BDAE TO GUD NA!i am feeling tired now. gonna sleep ler.tomorrow, meeting weiting and go chaywei's house to do project. then, accompany weiting to buy her clothes. hahas~i will blog more tomorrow. sherman was really a disgrace just now. hahas!good nite! ...

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Thursday, January 17, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
i feel so tired today. actually many of my classmates too!hahahas~guessed it should be the weather. freaking humid!kickboxing today was still fun! except for the nagging session. hahas~ we did class cheers.. and the three 5Ns' cheer! i feel that the 5Ns'08 are so united. we helped each other. that's good! jiayou 5Ns!! i passed my physics' test! whee! happy! although it's just a pass. hahas!after school, went out to coffee shop to eat prawn...

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
yoyo!i was laughing at the pictures that i had just posted. hahas~ so funny!school today was fine! topic for EL now is on Lies, Deception and Truth! the class is really participating. hahahas~ because we have lots to talk about it.The class' aircon was very cold today. hahahas~ for SS, we were doing map reading. i am glad that i actually trying the questions. hahas~ not like ms pig toh. kept asking where where, like...

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
las min cut in! hahas~what is this? hahas~ the sharpener that made joanne laughed like crazy!piggy's family. exclude me!yups! 502 loves me! hahas~terrorists at work!FAKE!terrorists playing! weird way of playing!pig!hahahas~ ...

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Monday, January 14, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
HAPPY BDAE TO PAPA~!!it's my papa's big day today!502 had a bad morning today i think. sad ne~ we did not get to use the SRR. all thanks to one teacher. well, 502 still a good class. we will get to use it soon, kays? 502~ hwaiting! lessons today were okay. i felt so sleepy. rahh~ assembly was nice! a cartoonist came to our school and taught us how to drow cartoons. i have a...

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502'08 IS LOVED!

Sunday, January 13, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
hellos!sorry ne~ did not blog yesterday.met adeline, weiting, huixin and felicia at cp. ate lunch at the foodcourt. felicia tricked us.. hahas~ took 27 and change to no 8 to TP. oh my~ TP is high! hahahas~ went to know more about their tourism. set! i am going to set my target to get into hospitality management. so cool~ went to take a look at media courses too. ohmy~ tv producer, broadcast journalist, etc. anything...

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Friday, January 11, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
hello everyone!how are you?school today was okay. got caught for hair.. hees~pe was fun. so tired and was sweating like crazy.ss, doing housing topic..copied notes. mother tongue, is the same. i enjoyed alot.did not go for recess.english, ms mazna went through comprehension with us. and she told us about people eating monkey's brain, etc. some were funny. hahaas~ as in the way she said.after school, went canteen to eat with adeline and shiting. joanne and...

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502 ROCKS!

Thursday, January 10, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
hahas~kickboxing today was fun. hahas~501 was damn funny. their cheer was really amazing.however, i still love 502. hahas~ we have the best class spirit!we got many stickers! both mr ho and mr singh gave us stickers. hahas~ thankyou to all teachers who gave us stickers. hahas~ thanks ms mazna for that little message. my class is the best lars! agree?lessons today was okay... by the way, wanna say something. dont blame us for that. please...

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Wednesday, January 09, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
hellos!im back!shall start ranting first..ok?the worst cutting of queue ive ever seen! omg! those people are really despicable. they actually cause the two proper queues to become a single queue. and that whole bunch of hungry ghosts crowd at the side, like there will be insufficient of food. wtf okay~ if u wanna cut queue, do it in a nice way. you are in the wrong and yet u affect the people who follow the...

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Tuesday, January 08, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
hellos!wo lai le! lols!i did not blog yesterday because i had homework to do. bleh! school was fine yesterday, except it was abit long. after school, went CP with shiting and we waited for jiahao. printed some photos for my desk in class. LOLS! and we went to buy stuff for travel fair. i bought my water bottle too! hehes! went home after that..today i woke up at 6am as usual. took the same bus...

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Sunday, January 06, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
so sad! my eyes' hurt!yesterday, went chalet. okay~ many people i dont know cos they were mostly desmond kor kor's friends. as for erjie's friends, i saw them before cos they went to erjie's house. played mahjong with them. they are nice people~ although they threw what i dont want. hahas! i lost terribly. hahas! one of erjie's friends was damn lucky. LOLS! he has many 'money'! however, he helped alvin kor kor to play....

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Saturday, January 05, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
hellos!it's weekend! yay!school was alright so far except i have many things to do. LOLS! so i am gonna be very busy this month. did i said this before? so i told mummy i am not celebrating my 18th bdae. it's kinda sad however, school come first. i hope the fair will be a successful one! HK grp~jiayou! pls update me on your various progress kies?well, my classroom is cozy and sometimes, i do feel...

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