
by - Saturday, February 17, 2007


it's chinese new year eve!!!

met fiona at CP...headed to cityhall. liping was at Raffles City. so went to find her..after dat, went bugis. i cant find any things lars~ i saw a mickey top but lazy to try.. did try some others..it fits me but i tink i look weird. so din consider... i saw my cousin too. =D dine at pastamania... went m-industry after dat. tried 2 tops but can onli one suits me yet no size. dn hav S!!! sux sia.. so nvm.. went home. ive painted my nails red!!! decorated it with those glitters.. hehs!! nice nice~

woke up early, bathed den went to my uncle's house. prayed to our ancestors...had my lunch with those food we prayed. rot dere lars~ kept watching MTV and sang..hahahas!!! we watched some vids on youtube. the japanese prank really made us laughed. hahhas~ dere's this show, u cant laugh at the man's english. so the man wanna say twenty.. he went 'ten ten'.. hahhas~ den thirty~ 'ten ten ten'.. lastly, 100..he said ten fer ten times!!! hahahas~ all of us were laughin lik hell.. den had our reunion dinner!!! my uncle hu is in san fran called. chatted with him~ hahhas!! thks GFs fer the msges!!!

ahh~ gonna out mask later... everyone saw me..the 1st thing dey say my hair looks weird. hahhas~ i find it style~ hahahas!!! no lars.. frankly speakin, it's my hair wad. and dats the way i wan!! hahahas~

changed blog song to BoA's So Real!! it's frm her latest jap album, 'Made In Twenty'. i saw her ad jus nw on MTV!! so high..she my idol!! i admire very little female singers. she's one of dem. a talented gal hu debuted at veh young age!! soo XUE'E LOVES BOA!!!

off 1st...

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