
by - Friday, February 23, 2007


i am so tired~ frm ytd till nw.

hmm..back to sch. form tcher and sarah was absent. missed sarah's absence. hahahas~ i scored well fer my geog test 12/15..but nt so well on ss. hehs~ gotta buck up. nth much, aft sch, went home..

tday, went sch as usual. veh tired still. blehs~ sarah is back! hahahas~ mrs thang was angry with us. so sad when she stopped teaching and made us complete our wrk. frm nw onwards, we no longer have hwk fer emath. quite sad lars~ everything has to be done in sch..incomplete, continue next lesson until we are done den she teach. siian~ mrs ho released us fer early recess. hahas~ back to class. geog, was paying attention at 1st but at the last 20 min, i fall asleep. hehs~ 1st time in this yr, i fell asleep in class. i noe it's nt a gud thing to boast abt.. hehs!!! went home aft sch without waiting GFs cos dey have practical. blog nw~ hees!! gonna do hwk later..

msg to dat poser.. i noe u admire me alot till dat u even posed. tryin to giv me another trouble?? nono~ do u tink i care? dn ever try to make me quarrel with my frens alrite? pls learn some manners. oh~ mayb ur name is the same as me... =D

hehs~ fiona ars!!!!

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