

by - Tuesday, January 06, 2009

i am off for this week.. no work. hahaha!
and just nice, i fall sick. diaos~ haha!
feeling damn weak lars...stupid nose damn itchy...throat is getting better(:

okays...so many rumours about the release of olevel results. some say 9jan, some 12jan or 15jan. so is which date? lols! making me so damn nervous lohs. wth~

my girls now are all working..yes~ all of them have job liaos. LOLS~ means we have lesser time for each other. most of them not working weekends...but chaywei and i mostly working on weekends. chaywei is everyday work...LOLS! so there will not be an exact day that all of us will be free, i guess? nonetheless, we are visiting each other house on cny. so fun ya? hope no one back out. LOLS~

anyways, ive watched the korean version of Hana Yori Dango. yes, yesterday was episode 1. i must say..if u wanna compare, i think korean F4 is the most handsome one? as in they look equal as F4..no offence. cos i watched the taiwanese version and abit of the jap. but the korean version is only at it's 2nd episode..so overall have to wait till the ending lars.. LOLS! still long.. hahaha~
i support Go Hye Sun lars!
and and~ this saturday will be Code Blue special. i hope tvants buffering will be good and hope to reach home by 10 to watch! LOLS~ cos japan time 9pm=singapore 8pm(:
i want yamapi to come out with a new drama soooonnn!

i wanna go TP and NP open house! anyone?
the girls are going this sat..but if going SP, den count me out!(:

off now~ needa rest early..cos im SICK!

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