
it's over

by - Tuesday, January 13, 2009


yesterday, i got my olevel results. it was damn scary. omg! my heart almost stop. LOLS~ reached sch early for lunch. talked to my girls...then, saw some teachers. heard many not so good news..which made most of us super worry. proceeded to the hall. mrs teo told us to support the school by donating. they are building a Arts Hub. wth lors~ damn rich hors? hahaha~ then mdm liew took over by analyzing the express stream first. after that, the 5Ns. the num of % could enter JC increased! hahaha~ we are happy for that. poa was a disaster. LOLS! then! result time!!!!!
i was the last girl..therefore, seeing the girls' results..i was like 'how? how?'..damn nervous. im happy for my girls!!!
i took mine! i saw a C straight away. and my mood goes down. cos EL C5. LOLS! wth~ but at least i pass kay? hahah~ then scroll down. i see Bs! so happy that my combined sci got B3!!! omg! my best ever sci result! thankyou mr tee and mrs raj!!!! love you 2!
my emath improved by a grade! ya~ but im contented already. poa B3...consider good. cos p2 damn difficult. the disappointing one is combined humanities - B4. wth~ i studied like wad..end up a B4.
i made it to poly. my mummy is happy for me.
i am happy for myself too. you may think it's a not so good result. but to me, i know my limits..my level~ therefore, i think it's good already.
you know wad?
the day b4, i dreamt of my grandfather. omg! so weird! i tink my prayers were heard. thankyou ancestors and god! thanks for listening to me during my olevel period and after. thankyou my wonderful teachers too! really~ i must say..i have improved alot!

later in the night, met with the girls without charmaine and chaywei. we went chompchomp for dinner..then kgarden for celeb!! damn happy kays!
cos finally everything is over!!!! hehehehe!

thnakyou family and friends who called, sms-ed me about my results and congrats me! thankyou very much! of cos my parents who are happy for me!

today..i stayed at home. thinking about my choices. ive make up my mind lers!
already rank my choices. i hope to get in TP business lars!
now another worry! LOLS~ and why posting have to be on my birthday? hahaha~
ohya~ today kien, dajie, qiaoli and my 2nd aunt called to ask about my results..thankyou!
i can only rmb today..cos ytd quite a num..till i 4get. i noe got erjie, chinying, liping, kampong.....
LOLS! ohya~ my uncle and alvin korkor congrats me via facebook! hahaha~ thankyou!

tmr might be going out..cos my deployment is cancelled. lols~

to liping:
thankyou for helping me! really!
im like so annoying..keep asking u questions. LOLS!
love you lars!

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