

by - Wednesday, June 18, 2008

my friend have me a shock!
she sms me asking me whether i helped her take her money from the blogshop owner.
first reaction, i was damn pissed off. wth~ i have not buy from that shop for dont know how many months...
i now have a blogshop so i bought all my things from there. plus~ the last time i blogshop was before CNY! so can you count how many months?!

so i replied my friend telling her i did not.
last few weeks, if im not wrong, another gal asked my junior to pm me whether i gave her no. to someone. of course, i told my junior no lars! so the gal pm me again asking the same question.
wth~ im not that kinda person.. i have lotsa things to do...rather than doing all this.
i am an upright person..okay~~

really piss me lars!
forget it...im just unlucky. hahs!

i am hungry now.. dats why i am so angry! LOLS!
i watched donghae's sexyback from yt...their super show!!
ohmy~ damn sexy! i wanna hug him now! hehehes!
oppa~i miss you!

13 of u! when will 13 be back?

go off now!

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