

by - Monday, June 16, 2008

wow! managed to catch my 1000 views!
thanks readers! pls continue reading my boring blog kies?

heenim's cyworld!

Title: Piglet/Small Pig (豚)

I’ve grown fatter..
The V-line on my face has become a U-line (-┏)

꿀단지(Sunny) was released at an appropriate time…
Sunny Sunny Sunny I love you ~♡ I need you~♪
If you literally translate it,
Sunkyu* Sunkyu Sunkyu 알껌바 (Alggomba)**~♡ So delicious~♪
Using the Teletubbie’s 뽀 (Bo) kiss!

Actually, everytime Sunkyu calls me
I’ll always respond with a flying-kick action
Sunkyu Sunkyu Sunkyu, are you courting death~^^
Do you want to get bashed up?~♪

Roaring at her this way..(-┏)

*Sunkyu: SNSD’s Sunny
**alggomba: It’s the name of some gelato^^ I ♥ gelato!
credit: OnlyHeechul, superduperlove.wordpress

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