
1/2 2008...BYE!

by - Sunday, June 22, 2008


first half of 2008 is gone!
2nd semester is just tomorrow!
i am excited but at the same time...hate it! cos the feeling of having to battle sucks! even though, im not force to stay back after school to do work...but i need to be cruel to myself. till olevel, school shall be the place i stay the longest.

it's gonna be a new start...so, there's some things changing. in the past, i try to tolerate some things all i can. now, i think i have done my part...so no more gonna tolerate some stuff. be it if people gonna say bad remarks about me..i dont give a damn cos i grown up by swallowing all this..and it's now time for me to spit these out right in front of these people face. i sound nasty right? hahahas~ i dont care~ i am gonna help people whom i think deserve it...so what im selfish.. if u dont deserve my help..what for should i waste my precious energy and time? right?
oh ya.. besides that, i wanna say i am not a source of information. and im not paid by the school...i am a student like all of u. so please stop asking me questions...and when i answered u 'i dont know'...pls dont continue and say 'u chairman lehs'...
so what the fuck that i am the chairman. open up your bloody freaking ears and listen to annoucement. or else, pay me! :D are u willing to pay? oh~ even if u pay, i may not have the answer. too bad uh~
also, chairman is not a maid... not everything is my job!! get this fucking right in your idiotic brain!!
ya~ so from tomorrow onwards, if i get these damn it nonsence again, i aint gonna give any of u 'face'. clear?

next, to this person.
i thank you for being brave for confessing. however, i had already make it very very clear that u arent my cup of tea. plus, i dont really like younger boys...as in go on date.. i have made my stand clear enough.
so stop messaging me whenever u think that i am depressed, angry, happy, troubled etc.
to me, i find it damn freaking irritating...and when i talk to u, is becos u are my friend...just like the others. if u ever think i am giving u any chance, then so sorry..im not!
once i say no means no...
so i hope u really stop all this...i dont wanna find u irritating and start hating u...

okays... enough of all this..
i feel so happy after writing what i want for so long!
seeya in sch!
i think junsu and donghae gave me power!
i love you!
100% cassopeia & elf!

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