
by - Tuesday, June 24, 2008


since i finished my assignment early, i shall blog!
hees~ see! first i think of is blogging!! hoho~

first day of sch, yesterday!
fine! i miss my table! it was joanne's 17th bdae too!!
i hope u like the presents! :)

school ended late yesterday...we were late for poa lesson cos adeline's ban mian came late!!! LOLS! lucky, ms lin is kind! 하하! there is a new poa teacher. mr tan... hmm~ impression...good and bad! hahaas~ he's abit agitate! scary~

today was tiring. i must say! however, i think today is the day that i laughed alot.. agree?
EM, i wasnt really doing my work.. cos i ended up crapping.. and sherman joined me. weiting was trying to act as if she wasnt crapping. hahahas~ MT, have oral practice. 오! my chinese O oral is next wed! and i am the last 3rd of my group! oh my~ have to wait so long!!!!!
poa, ms lin cant stand my carelessness! she ask me to open my eyes wider! LOLS! i admit that i either key in wrong figures or see wrong figures! thus, not balancing my accounts! hahas~ 미안해~
then, bla bla bla... i got restless and restless! after sch, stayed back awhile.. did eng hwk with weiting.. we end up leaving damn lotsa blanks! sickening~ hahas!
i fell asleep for 15 mins...woke up..go home!
watched yu le bai fen bai. xiaozhu is damn funny! jam hsiao is so cute! he 'YES!' when he won his fan. LOLS!

less than a month, it will be the start of prelim. i dont know whether am i going on a correct direction. i sorta lost my way now. can anyone help me? i am sososo worry! maybe i need to relax!

teukkie cyworld update!!

2008.06.22 (2008.06.23 01:34)

Thank you^^ your being by my side gives me strength…you know it right??….

But even if out of 10 people even just 1 was by my side I’d be a truly happy person

..^^I’m such a happy person!!! Thank you….^^

Original Source. 박정수
Translated by. gaia

Heenim cyworld update!
2008.06.22 19:27
Title: 미 쓰 김 (Mith Kim = Mithra + Kim Heechul)

Epik High’s Mithra Jin explained his ‘rumours’ with Super Junior’s Kim Heechul. Epik High was recently on SBS’s “The Star Show” which will be broadcasted on the 23rd. Mithra Jin further explained that his ‘rumours’ with Heechul were fake, and that they were only friends.

Mithra Jin said, “I would go along like how lovers would and go for a spin with Heechul” and, “Although I’ve hung out with Heechul more than I would with my girlfriend, but I’m certain that we’re not dating, we’re just friends”.

Bear Mithra, don’t explain these things
The more you explain, the more strange it becomes (-┏)

Perhaps E.L.F and those in High School
will get affected by this incident

Our Mith Kim are not dating
Although we meet in the middle of the night, to eat together, to drink beer…

It’s friendship

Certainly not love

When we meet, we never touch each other
To the extent that even if we fall down, we won’t help each other up
Looking at it, conversely, it seems like Mith Kim’s relationship is not too good

Ah really…
Why am I explaining? (-┏)

*Ah That’s right.. I’m not dating Yunho either (-┏)

Kibum, Hankyung, Siwon, Jay etc…
I’m not dating them too (-┏)

I’m dating all the fans

Ah.. I can pretend that I amㅋㅋ

Translated by me. Please credit and link back if taking out!
Credits; OnlyHeechul + gyuhyuncn

Ryeowook fancafe message!
Title: The birthday party celebrated with the members

At 00:00 on the 21st, I spent my birthday with the SJ-M members as well as the manager hyungs and the coordi-noona. ^^
I’m really very grateful to all of you…
Thank you…

And Manager Seunghwan cooked me seaweed soup!!!
I’m so touched ah! I’m so touched!

My parents, the other members and the fans who are in Korea,
I really miss you all of you…
Thank you for all your birthday wishes! ^^

P.S The cake’s a cheese cake! Haha…

Credits; www.ryeo-wook.com

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