

by - Monday, March 31, 2008


school today was fine except for assembly. all thanks to some juniors!

EL, i cant imagined that i was staring into space for quite some time. hahahas~ EG, mrs wong went through map-reading..and started revision on tourism. POA, mrs tan was angry, i think. i think i know why too. it was our fault. i think we should try to understand the chapter and not just saying 'i dont know' and gave up. also, we all know it's recess...and the queues will be damn long.. however, it was quite rude lars. mrs tan gave up going through the answers. and this is my first time seeing mrs tan like that. i am feeling guilty although i did try to do my work. i did not go for recess cos there is lunch 2 hours later. went to the hall..and it was in a mess. mr ho got all upper sec to the parade square. credit goes to juniors. the 5Ns were damn innocent to be drag into this..cos we did nothing. quite fish lars! in the past, we do not have this kinda prob. i feel lucky that i am graduating this year. becos of that, i had headache cos of the sun. damn it! sometimes, i hate having assembly with my juniors. hahaas~ CE, discuss about home-cuming. personally, i think most of us have ideas however some ideas are easy to be say than do.. so i will be damn busy with home-cuming. i have to find ice-cream suppliers too. so if anyone have the numbers, can u kindly contact me? lunch, went out to eat. joked around..and we got damn horny! hahahas~ did my EL homework and of cos, chatted with charmaine! liangyong came in to destroy our conversation. hahhaas~
went home with weiting and shiting.

cant wait for wednesday. my first time going xinfony with the girls. i know we are taking lots of pics!! ahahas!
long day again tomorrow!

ohya~ pls tag okay?

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