

by - Saturday, March 22, 2008


new blogskin! yups~ wanna change blogskin so i came up with it. veh simple. hahahs~ my taggy is back. becos i think the past few skins, no one knows where to leave comments. therefore, this time round, i insert a taggy! hahaas~

nothing much on goodfriday as i spent the whole day at home.. did revise for chem and i realise i have many questions. hahaas~

it's Chinying's 18th bdae!! hahahas~

went to the stadium in the morning. ran 100 heats. and guess what! i fell! foot man~ hahahas!! both legs were injured. right leg is the worst. LOLS! i thank everyone for your concern. yes! many of them asked if i were okay. yup! i am very fine! dont worry~ just dont fall! hahahas~ well, becos i fall, so i have bad timing and therefore, not running the finals. hahas! rested for quite some time. becos 4x200 was the last event. ran as 1st runner. and still, hahas~ people were telling me to be careful. very caring! hahaas~ falcon girls did our very best although we came in last. hahas~ maybe it's my fault? cos of my injury? hahas~ i apologise if my injury cause our team to be the last. :D
after the whole thing, took cab home becos my legs were in great pain. hahhas~ mummy laughed at me. washed myself up. and sleep for 1hour++.. woke up..cooked instant noodle. yups! watched music bank! that's all...now blogging!

any kind soul wanna get me BoA THE FACE album?

i think on monday, everyone will laugh at my clumsiness. hahas~
dont laugh kies!! if not u will fall too! oops!


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