

by - Tuesday, March 18, 2008

well, school today was fine..but tiring. hahahs~

EL, we did picture discussion. EM, gotten new worksheet and now we are starting to do schools' papers. fast! MT, ms tee was not around and tianrong came to relief AGAIN!!! hahahas~ did not go for recess. next, SS. new topic which is damn boring. and that's the time nicole told me about sports day! fariz is obviously out to tire me! hahas! chem, mrs raj went through with us some QA. and she said she likes QA. hahahas! and that whenever we see her, we must see A. LOLS! lunch, went to look for fariz with nicole but we could not find him. so we went for lunch. hahahas!! went back for POA. okay, the topic sucks becos it's complicating and heavy! freak out! went back to class. studied behind of the class with felicia becos mr tang was teaching. left school around 5pm.

ohya! my irritating right eye has not recover. so if by tmr, it is still not okay, i will not go to school. cos it is affecting alot. yesterday was pain. today is pain and itchy! damn! just a month and my eyes could be swollen like many times. idiot!

and tmr i may not be going out with the girls after sch. cos of CCA! freak man! waste of time...

off now!

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