

by - Thursday, March 06, 2008


from now onwards, i may not be blogging everyday because i am gonna study everyday. hees!! happy?! march-oct may seems far however when i flip the calendar, it's abit scary. and when i see the dates of our olvl exams, i panicked!

okays~ school today is good! wore new class tee today. and many teachers were laughing. i dont now why! hahahas~ i tink becos I LOVE 502! hahahas~ cute okay? lols~ went home after school. and i slept. hahahas~

just now watched MTV JKPOP. junsu~ the song sosososo nice can! i love him!

ohya~ i have completed my math hwk! so holiday no math for me!! hahahas~

thanks ying! thanks for that encouragement! u jiayou oso! really thankyou!! hahas~

liping! u better contact me soon! hahahas~
u 人间蒸发 isit? hahahas~

holiday is coming!

sometimes, once in a while, a friend who u have not been seeing or contacting, talks or date u, to me, it's a blessing!

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