

by - Monday, March 03, 2008

im here early!

i went to school feeling sleepy today. was abit high but not that high. LOLS! chinese, we talked about bao zhang bao dao. EG, mr pang came to relief. and the worksheet was actually what we did before. therefore, it's self-study. english, ms mazna went through summary with us. and thur will be our summary test which i have not much faith that i will do well. hehe~ then, we did emotive lang worksheet together. we chatted abit in the terrorist issue becos my classmates did a very funny thing. LOLS! thanks to hongrui for buying my food. hees~ assembly, was a farewell party for mr chia. dont wish him to leave so fast... we saw interviews from mrs low, mrs lee, mr lee and teachers. quite touching and funny. LOLS! the 5Ns did a cheer for mr chia too. i will miss you mr chia!!! hahas~ CE, mr pang came in again. we were released for early lunch break. ate ban mian..and the gals finally really agreed i eat very slow. sorry ne~ hahahas! i will try to eat faster next time. LOLS! went back for EM. surprisingly, mr pang came again!!!!!!!!!!! hahaas~ supposed to copy corrections but becos the situation was damn messy, i decided not to copy. yet took the master copy back to do my corrections. hahhas~ home after school.

to weiting:
haiyo~ why are you always not well ne?! i think i must give u some power... i shall make u feel more energise. rmb~ my mother asked you to see doctor. must listen to ur great-grandmama-in-laws... becos if u dont listen, she will bite! hahahas~ oops! dont worry, my mama wont get to read this! hahahas~ get well soon kies! dont always fall sick...

this goes to my friends out there too. :D

i go revise ler!
good girl!

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