

by - Friday, March 28, 2008

hellos everyone!

gonna SLEEP after i blog!
cos i have to wake up superb early tomorrow!

lessons was okay. EL, teacher did not come! so we were busy chatting and playing. hahahas~ PE, did not get to play becos of my leg! nicole and char too, did not play cos one leg pain another FLU! lols! so we were talking.. mrs lee asked about my leg.. i said the wound hardened, therefore, it hurts abit. hahahas! she asked if i am running tomorrow.. i nodded.. and told her fariz did not find any sub. hahahas! so she was kind and told me to apply moisturizer tomorrow. hahahas! nicole told us abit on er zuo ju 2 wen. and she was able to catch the 1st epi of it at taiwan. hahhas!! after pe was poa, test next wed.. the chap was like unable to handle lars!! FREAK OUT! sure fail! hahahas~ chem, practical! i think i need to study on QA alot.. cos i could not answer those questions! and i was like keep harassing chiheng! hahahas~ went home after school with shiting.

went to compass around 3+ with mummy. it was my first time to step in to the 4-D place. hahahas! cool man! went for lunch and i saw felicia and zaidi! wow! hahahas~ okay, i know that both of u laughed at me when my mummy knocked my head. hahahas! dont laugh! went to print photos after eating... those aunties at the shop was damn lousy! cos they have lousy attitude! went cold storage to buy tidbits and then breakfast for tomorrow! next, to popular..then bought food home! i realised i did not touch any books today! gonna mug tomorrow and sunday!

running tomorrow, just hope to do my best and not to FALL DOWN AGAIN! hahahas~ jiayou~ FALCON!
sian! 530am tomorrow! meeting felicia to sch! hahas~

i miss my hubbies!

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