

by - Saturday, March 29, 2008


woke up damn early today. waited for felicia to call me and meet her in the bus. we went stadium together. took attendance and seated in our houses. stayed at the competitors stand for quite long.. and so, i went to look for the girls.. ahahas! i got a shocked when nicole's friend told me i am running for 100m... !!! hahas~ i really dont know kies! thanks to amirul (not sure the spelling) for lending me his spike shoe. and thanks to ragu for helping me wear. hahahas~ damn paiseh.. rested awhile after the race... have to report for 4x100m. i was damn nervous lars. hahaas! again, i am the 1st runner.. nicole was 2nd..and 2 juniors were 3rd and 4th respectively. i hold the baton with my both hands trembling like crazy can?! so when the horn sounded off, i ran as quickly as possible. passed the baton to nicole. ANDAND!! we came in 2nd!! YAY!! B boys were disqualified.. quite saddening. after prize presentation, we were dismissed. went home with shiting.

went home bathed and sleep! too tired...
gonna sleep soon cos i have to wake up early tmr too! rahh~

sorry for sucha random post cos my eyes are really closing. ahahas~

before i go, i wanna thanks people who asked about my leg.. it's okay! and all the 'JIAYOUs'. amirul for the spike shoe!

good nite!

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