okays.. chiheng said something weird on msn to me. hahaas~ shall question him tomorrow. hahas!liping!u like the presents? hahas~ is the perfume nice? cos i like the smell so i thought getting u one. haahas!! sorry that i could not celebrate your 18th bdae. love you!chaywei!!i want to apologise to u!IM SORRY!!love you kies!got to go!ohya!I LOVE MY HUBBIES TOO!hahahs~ ...
annyoung!school today was fine except for assembly. all thanks to some juniors!EL, i cant imagined that i was staring into space for quite some time. hahahas~ EG, mrs wong went through map-reading..and started revision on tourism. POA, mrs tan was angry, i think. i think i know why too. it was our fault. i think we should try to understand the chapter and not just saying 'i dont know' and gave up. also, we all...
please click on the ad! hahas~oh ya~ visit my blogshop too. the sprees are closing soon. taking last few orders!!be quick! http://wonder-fashion.blogspot.comstop here for now! ...
annyoung!woke up damn early today. waited for felicia to call me and meet her in the bus. we went stadium together. took attendance and seated in our houses. stayed at the competitors stand for quite long.. and so, i went to look for the girls.. ahahas! i got a shocked when nicole's friend told me i am running for 100m... !!! hahas~ i really dont know kies! thanks to amirul (not sure the spelling) for...
hellos everyone!gonna SLEEP after i blog!cos i have to wake up superb early tomorrow!lessons was okay. EL, teacher did not come! so we were busy chatting and playing. hahahas~ PE, did not get to play becos of my leg! nicole and char too, did not play cos one leg pain another FLU! lols! so we were talking.. mrs lee asked about my leg.. i said the wound hardened, therefore, it hurts abit. hahahas! she asked...
yoyo!school was fine except for one thing which happened in the morning. we had kick-boxing today and i was unable to participate becos of my wound. felicia and benedict were not well too. so we sit together and chatted. while we are chatting, there was this teacher, i shant name her.. walking pass us. she stopped and she asked me to let done my hair as in i tied a bun and she wants me...
just finished watching unbelieveable outing! hahaas~just cant stop laughing.gonna sleep soon.ohya~ to my cousin who was rude to my mother yesterday, i hope u do some soul-searching okay? she's your elder and so no matter how angry you were, you should still respect and talk to her nicely. not confronting her like u are somebody big okay? i do have a stand u speak becos that's my mother. if u think u can change a...
yoyo!!suppose to be study now. but i am so tired.. falling asleep soon. monday and tuesday are always tiring!MT, everything is the same. hahaas! EG, did map-reading. i did something foolish that nicole gave me a weird face. hahaas! EL, did speech writing. and when i wanted to submit my work, i see many of my friends' work. teacher asked for the 1st para..and so i followed the format. however, most of my friends wrote...
pls credit if taking out!seolah@bs ...
good afternoon!tell you what!my legs are not okay.i have a difficult time sleeping. hahaas~now, i have to walk like a lamer. diaos!just hope i can walk properly tomorrow becos i have to go school myself. and by bus. oh my~hahas!alright!from now, i may put some artworks done by me. it may not be a perfect work.. becos i have limited skills. i had made some icons.. will upload it after this post.maybe you can help...
hellos!new blogskin! yups~ wanna change blogskin so i came up with it. veh simple. hahahs~ my taggy is back. becos i think the past few skins, no one knows where to leave comments. therefore, this time round, i insert a taggy! hahaas~nothing much on goodfriday as i spent the whole day at home.. did revise for chem and i realise i have many questions. hahaas~today.it's Chinying's 18th bdae!! hahahas~went to the stadium in the morning....
anyoung!i am here!!!heh!i shall blog about yesterday?? yeps..went home after school. met the girls at compass around 4+. went cine and caught step up 2. nice movie! good inspiration! after the show, went to MISE for a little while. and i bought 2 photos and a sticker! all F.T Island. wanna buy TVXQ at first, but i have too many of their photos. for sticker, i will use it nicely! hahahas~ maybe on my calculator...
well, school today was fine..but tiring. hahahs~EL, we did picture discussion. EM, gotten new worksheet and now we are starting to do schools' papers. fast! MT, ms tee was not around and tianrong came to relief AGAIN!!! hahahas~ did not go for recess. next, SS. new topic which is damn boring. and that's the time nicole told me about sports day! fariz is obviously out to tire me! hahas! chem, mrs raj went through with...
annyoung!went to school with my right eye swollened! damn! hahas~ and also, bad hair day! so my morning was bad! okay, the time-table thingy was freaking funny lars. dey like swop EL to EM and EM-EL for even week tue only, which is funny... wth~ i apologised to 502 for showing 'black' face in the morning. paiseh! lessons and lessons. assembly, asethetics groups performed. and joanne did something silly. i was talking to wenan and...
changhwi so cool!this drama is getting exciting! ...
hello!yupps... i wanna say that my march holidays just sucks like hell. hahahas~ i hate this kinda holiday! aishh!okay..yesterday met chaywei, weiting and jiahao for movie. Rule #1... well, some scenes were scary.. after movie, went to buy something and headed home with chaywei. yesterday was oso the PIG couple's 1st anniversary! congrats to them! hahahas~today..i woke up early. bathed and went market with mummy and daddy. met aunt for breakfast. and and.. of course...
lucky that i am going out tmr!!!!!!!!wad the fuck man! damn freaking pissed!the family is depending on you yet u took 2 days off.. are u a man?!!! how can a man get so sick easily?!!!!! you thought we have our own business that you can go work as and off u wan?!!! mummy is sick but what can we do if she herself does not want to rest and kept running back an forth....
hello!why SG cinemas never aired korean movies.. as in not many of them being shown here.saw jang geun suk's newest movie trailer.. dore~ i am in love with him.. gonna be my next hubby! watch hong gil dong and he's damn cool kies! hahahas~went to sch for listening and oral. listening was okay.. oral just sucks. hahahas~ same thing always happen during oral. hahahas~end here!!by the way, check here for online shopping! nice clothes and...
i see my mother cry once again. she cried alone... as an elder daughter, i must not break down! for what i know, grandpapa will be looking after grandmama.. she will be alright! i know!i dont want the same thing happen again after 3 years later.xue'e!!!! jiayou!hwaiting!ahma~ mummy~ hwaiting! ...
annyoung!i went out with pig toh weiting today! went ps. both of us bought fbt short! hahahas~ went to walk around ps to find weiting's thingy. ate at long john. chatted alot... hahahs! went walking around again and decided to go cine to search. found none..so we went sol mart. saw march issue of junior. F.T Island!! therefore, i decided to spend on it. bought that mag! gonna get some nagging from mummy!! hahas~ went...
annyoung!from now onwards, i may not be blogging everyday because i am gonna study everyday. hees!! happy?! march-oct may seems far however when i flip the calendar, it's abit scary. and when i see the dates of our olvl exams, i panicked!okays~ school today is good! wore new class tee today. and many teachers were laughing. i dont now why! hahahas~ i tink becos I LOVE 502! hahahas~ cute okay? lols~ went home after school....
yoohoo!!i missed the usual bus i took today and i waited quite some time for the next bus. finally, i get to meet felicia and chaywei in the bus. hahahas~ there was an accident and many people were crowding and looking. diaos~ that even caused more conjunctions. LOLS! went to hall for reading period. chinese, talked about compo again.. poa, revised on control a/c becos there is a test on the topic tmr. hahahas~ chem,...
i wanna cry now!i was copying notes half way and i stopped suddenly. i have no idea what i was thinking and i stared at my notes... i closed my book. i think mummy was quite happy last few days becos she came in to my room and saw me studying. so i do not want to disappoint her. rahh~ i do not know what distracted me that i stopped my revision. hit me!!x2gonna continue...
hello!im here early!i went to school feeling sleepy today. was abit high but not that high. LOLS! chinese, we talked about bao zhang bao dao. EG, mr pang came to relief. and the worksheet was actually what we did before. therefore, it's self-study. english, ms mazna went through summary with us. and thur will be our summary test which i have not much faith that i will do well. hehe~ then, we did emotive lang...
hello!did my poa homework today. yups! i rot at home for my weekends. hahaas~watched Hong Gil Dong and also on TVXQ. junsu fell on one scene~ shocked me! hahaas~i like hong gil dong. especially the song by taeyeon, 만약에.i almost cried when the lead actress was missing gil dong so much that when she finally see him. she cried out loudly. my heart ache when i watched it.naega babogatasol~jeongmal babogatasol~i love this song. ...
hellos everyone!im back!ohya, the news blog is back! CLICK!hees~next, will be doing my shop bloggy! new sprees is coming!!hahas~today i did nothing at home. eat, sleep, watch tv. hahahas~ have been watching clips on my hubbies. they are forever cute! hongki is becoming more handsome... junsu is still cute!! ohya, i like the drama hong gil dong. i like jang geun suk in that show. so cool~ hahhas! however, i have to watch epi 12...
hellos!!happy saturday?!!i have changed my blogskin! march issue! hahhas~will keep improving on making blogskin. hees~shall stop here!byebye! ...
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