
by - Sunday, September 30, 2007

woke up early today. went to have breakfast with family. erjie forced me to go. how bad is she? ahahas!! uncle is willing to drive me to the airport when im leaving for HK. hahahas~ we talked about opening shop. the adults asked erjie to start on blogshops first. and erjie and i did talked about it last time. she is just waiting for to set up a blog. ya~ but i have no time now. maybe soon! we agree to share the profit together. hahahas!! our parents support us! how good!

yesterday, went out with sister. she bought many things. i bought a tee for my sister. what a good sis am i!! hahahas! treated her ice-cream too. :D she bought skinny. i think it's nice. went MISE! saw nicole and her friend. i bought photos and a pouch. gonna save up and go back. i think im buying SM tee. although im quite slow but u know... i have a mother who hates all this. hahahas! gonna start my online shopping spree soon. there's clothes i like!!! the style i want! hees~ dinner was alright. our table was quite crazy. we kept joking! bought things from DAISO.

asked daddy again about going abroad after Os. he said he's alright with it. cos charmaine messaged me asking whether i wanna go korea after Os. i told daddy.. but he said korea is not a nice place for further studies whereas america will be better. he said, at least uncle is there to look after me. i do not need to worry about looking for shelter. so, im gonna email uncle ask him about my plan. hahahas!

gonna study ler!

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