
by - Tuesday, September 04, 2007

hey reginald!
i hope you read this.

firstly, everyone has the responsibilty of looking the hamster.

secondly, your duty of taking care the hamster had passed and someone actually helped you. you should be thankful.

thirdly, since you missed/forget your duty, so now it;s your turn.

dont say things like i cant. so what if u cant, u should tell us or get someone to help u before time. you told us at the last minute, it's really impossible. so stop saying nasty things. frankly speaking, i think u are very rude!! damn rude! how can you said someone like this.. do u like me write tings like that about u? EG: that bloody, freaking, lowed guy. acting as if the whole universe owe him. freaking disgusting~! do u like that? do u feel happy? no right? and and... so what we are bad in our english. at least we are improving. unlike you, u keep thinking u are always right! come on lars~ so what good about grades? do u ever heard of this? even if u have IQ but no EQ, u are a failure! FAILURE~ okay? get this right in ur brain! stop giving excuses that u have appointment.. all of us do okay? ahahas~ i dont think the person u described is really like that. how about u? a fish face? fish head and fish mouth? for your info, if a person is dead.. he/she wouldnt be tagging. thanks!

i know it's none of my fishing business... but what u wrote is really damn freaking nasty!
chaywei! doesnt matter that u are bad in your language. as long as u have high EQ than someone! reginald, dont say i did not tell u... u better apologise to whoever u wrote about. i hope that person just sue u!

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