

by - Friday, September 14, 2007

hees! im back from school! wee~

im still having headache. : dont like~ hahahas! mother tongue, did compo and i handed in :) math, gotten back our mock test. did not passed :( english, i slept quite long and VP was standing at the back door looking. hehs~ i didnt mean it :p recess, ate nasi lemak again. hahaah! went back to class for lessons. SS, did source-based. i took kiki and played with it. hahahas~ mrs wong was telling weiting her mistakes...and i stayed beside them and played with kiki. hahahas~ it's funny! home after that. :D

thanks joanne for that message! im really happy when i saw ur message in the morning. so encouraging! we shall work together kays?

this is what i want. however, through that group i dont always heard from them except for just one person. perhaps they think they are reading shit here. but now, i know there are some people who read it with their heart. whatever i wrote here describe my real feelings. those who ignore/think it's shit are not caring for me. and i shall not care about them too. this is what ive learn these years. cos whatever concern i gave, i dont get back. so what's the use of wasting my breathe caring for them. i might as well care for those hu really needs it. right? the world is never fair just like humans are never perfect. simple as that! unfair world=unfair treatment. not i dont wanna ask you what happened. it's becos u had never ask me. so why must i always ask u?

this week is my most happy days in school so far... im really happy. no worries except school work. i feel happy with them unlike them. i dont have to act to be happy. this is what i want.. it's time to let go~ sooner or later, bye to them.


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