

by - Wednesday, September 05, 2007

finally get to touch u! hahahs!!
sounds wrong...

woke up at 9+ cos i suddenly think of some steps. used the com.. met weiting and went J8 together. bought movie tickets adn went mac to have ice-cream. chit chat while waiting for joanne. she's slow! oops! hahahas~ after joanne came, went NTUC to buy tibits. alaf-ing around there. hahahas!!! saw chaywei and claris... we lost them somehow. hahahas!! proceeded into the theatre. watched 1408. okay lars~ not a bad show. but i hate it when most of the story was in the room. not that scary..only the sound effect. hahahas~ joanne and i was feeling uneasy while watching. there's this couple in front of us.. oh my!!! dont wish to elaborate further. hahahas!!! hate it! hahahas~ after movie, went for dinner. home then... oh ya! i bought GOONG S soundtrack... listening to it right now! hahahas!!!


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