
by - Monday, April 16, 2007


i have a feeling, my eyes may be swollen tomorrow. and i officially declare BROKE!! hahahas~ i really spend alot this month. but mummy didnt nag at me. so if im being petty on money issue, forgive me alright? hahahas~ i really need to save up.

went out around 4+... get some stuff and just got home not long. tired right now.... i just hope she will be happy.

watched Kurosagi in the morning. yamapi soOo handsome! hahahas~ i realise his eyes expression never really change.. hees~ i have pics for my class banner... shall upload it tomorrow... hahas~ and news too! im lazy right nw...

and and!!
i saw Jasmine Chen just now!!!!!!!!!!!!

i want to go out with jenna and jasmine!!!

thanks audrey~
had a nice chat with u... i know what to do.
but i really do hope 6 of us will spend this year together....
my greatest wish~

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