
by - Friday, April 20, 2007


okays... i know i have not been updating NEWS for a long time.. try to bear with me alright? cause exams are around the corner and i have to do revision every now and then. sorry everyone~

yups. 5 periods of english today. most of us hate thursday. i mean my class~ hahas!! alright~ i reached school and it was drizzling. liping accompanied to the locker to take my book. we spent 5-10mins to open a locker but at last we did not. so shameful lars~ something happened after that which made the both of us really pissed. mrs ho is practising reading compre with us these few days. i think it helps abit lars... maths, i was so sian that my mind kept wandering off. hehs!!!

mrs ho told us to submit the bicultural trip form ASAP. most of my classmates might be going Japan. chay wei and sarah... both of them are almost confirm. i spoke to mummy just now whether she allows me to go. i know daddy will be abit reluctant cos he worries. but im really keen to go... and they are afraid that my sis would complain and say it's unfair. i know~ but i told mummy, if she really dont allow... then i will just give it a miss. im so happy that mummy say if i really wanna go, she can take the some of money out.. and me, myself will pay $300. i told mummy, im willing. by right, it's me who wants to go so i should contribute abit. let's hope daddy's answer will be a positive one. i really wanna travel.... and it's Japan somemore. can get BoA, DBSG, KAT-TUN and NEWS stuff over there.. hahhaas!! if we do shopping!!! oops~ think abit far... hahhaa!!!

well, shall drop the subject... for this mid-year, i just hope every subjects to pass.. and maths, at least a B4. i tink i can~ hahaas!!

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