
Sunday, April 29, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
NEWS!!公信榜揭曉 傑尼斯稱霸單曲、專輯 KAT-TUN十連冠達成最新一期公信榜揭曉,單曲專輯通通都是「傑尼斯」!「瀧與翼」的全新雙主打單曲「X~不行唷~ / Crazy Rainbow」,拿下睽違1年3個月的冠軍;專輯則由上週新聞最大條的KAT-TUN獲得,他們的第二張專輯「cartoon KAT-TUN II You」發行首週賣出27.1萬,讓KAT-TUN成軍以來連續十張作品都是NO.1!瀧澤秀明與今井翼組成的「瀧與翼」,發行去年底在演唱會上造成轟動的「X~不行唷~」,雖然僅賣出6.6萬張,但兩人的人氣還是炙手可熱,此外還収録動畫航海王主題曲「Crazy Rainbow」,讓他們順利拿下第五次單曲冠軍。單曲小勝,KAT-TUN第二張專輯「cartoon KAT-TUN II You」則衝出27.1萬的銷售量,再度空降公信榜冠軍,這是KAT-TUN成軍以來的連續第10冠,其中包括單曲、專輯以及影像產品,KAT-TUN的人氣時再了得,再加上上週赤西仁正式歸隊,接下來的表現頗受媒體和粉絲注目。台灣艾迴音樂預定於5月9日發行此張專輯,共有三種版本。--------------------------------------百想藝術大賞 柳承範、廉晶雅封「百想」影帝、影后 Rain獲頒最佳男新人獎韓國第43屆「百想藝術大賞」頒獎典禮昨晚在首爾國立劇場大廳舉行,柳承範、廉晶雅分別以電影《死生決斷》、《古老的庭院》打敗眾家強敵,爆冷門登上影帝、影后寶座;韓劇《白色巨塔》男主角金明敏、《戀愛時代》女主角孫藝珍則獲頒電視最佳男、女演員獎。新科影帝柳承範去年以《死》片入圍韓國大鐘獎、大韓民國電影獎等最佳男主角,卻都與獎無緣,今年終於一吐怨氣獲獎,登上「百想」影帝寶座,他說:「為了報答支持韓國電影的觀眾,我會更加努力演出好的作品。」新科影后廉晶雅去年底結婚,果然喜事連連,憑《古》片初嘗影后滋味,昨晚她在頒獎那一刻興奮地表示:「感謝主啊!我現在只想到我老公!」「亞洲小天王」Rain不僅歌舞實力佳,首度躍上大銀幕拍電影《賽柏格之戀》就獲評審青睞,勇奪最佳男新人獎,他感動地說:「很感謝所有一起參與《賽柏格之戀》的同事,拍電影是我的夢想,很感謝讓我達成夢想的朴贊郁導演及女主角林秀晶,未來我還想繼續拍電影,嘗試各種角色。」最佳女新人獎則由朴詩妍奪得。在電視類獎項方面,孫藝珍在《戀》劇演出堅強樂觀的失婚女,她表示:「4年前我獲頒最佳新人獎時,當時的我只顧著自己開心,今天我站在同個地方,身邊的人一一浮現在腦海中,不論是《戀愛時代》的工作夥伴或是愛我的粉絲,都非常謝謝大家。」韓國收視突破50%成為國民電視劇的《朱蒙》,男、女主角宋一國、韓惠珍雖意外落馬,與最佳男、女主角獎無緣,但該劇獲得最高殊榮的大獎;最佳男、女新人獎則由朴海鎮及高雅羅獲得。重要得獎名單(電影組)大獎:《老千》最佳影片:《怪物》最佳男主角:柳承範《死生決斷》最佳女主角:廉晶雅《古老的庭院》最佳女新人:朴詩妍《九尾狐家族》最佳男新人:鄭智薰(Rain)《賽柏格之戀》重要得獎名單(電視組)大獎:《朱蒙》最佳韓劇:《首爾1945》最佳男主角:金明敏《白色巨塔》最佳女主角:孫藝珍《戀愛時代》最佳男新人:朴海鎮《傳聞中的七公主》最佳女新人:高雅羅《雪花》最佳人氣:李凡秀、金泰希、韓藝瑟、李準基---------------------------------「東方神起」差點成「五臟六腑」 出道前爆笑團名夠經典韓國超人氣偶像天團「東方神起」差點叫做「五臟六腑」!?東方神起最近推出第二張日文專輯「神舞奇技」,發行首週就衝上公信榜TOP10,而忙碌的五人日前接受了Mnet電視台專訪,爆料團名由來,團長允浩笑說:「當初連五臟六腑都出來了勒」!團長允浩表示當時要大家各想一個團名,結果共有「食傳鯨」、「五臟六腑」和「東方不敗」入圍候選名單,後來因為食傳鯨太難唸、五臟六腑太幼稚且好笑,所以最後決定用東方不敗,後來才改成東方神起,允浩還有點後悔為什麼沒繼續用東方不敗,因為唸起來實在是很響亮。東方神起的第二張日文專輯「神舞奇技」,首週就登上公信榜TOP10,顯示他們真的頗受櫻花妹的喜愛,CD+DVD的DVD收錄單曲音樂錄影帶以及幕後花絮和粉絲們最愛的團員特別對談,台灣艾迴音樂已經發行.---------------------------------松本潤魅力連男人都無法擋 「妹妹,戀人」浮現微妙兩女一男四角戀松本潤的帥氣,連男人都無法招架!?電影「妹妹,戀人」即將於6月1日在台上映,片中除了榮倉奈奈、小松彩夏為他爭風吃醋,沒想到連男配角平岡祐太都來跟他搞「曖昧」。在片中飾演俊俏、深情、成績優異男主角「小賴」的松本潤,魅力實在了不起,兩女爭一男的劇情可能會讓粉絲看的氣呼呼,而飾演好友「矢野」的平岡祐太原本是跟松本潤「嗆聲」說要追他妹妹,結果又著與松本潤的手機合照癡癡傻笑,讓人充滿微妙的遐想空間。「妹妹,戀人」預定於6月1日上映,「超豪華限量版」預售套票 從27日起限量搶購,加贈「日文原版海報」、「摯愛松本潤檔案夾」、「純愛松本潤樣御用領帶」三款獨家贈品,詳情請洽博客來售票網。Source: YAHOO TAIWAN---------------------------------Interviews on BoA from OriconBoA's new single, Sweet Impact, which was just released yesterday in Japan, debuted at #5 on the Oricon charts. It is admittedly not exactly an impressive result. But it is still a decent debut, considering the tough competition it had to face with the likes of KinKi Kids and Orange Range.With the...

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Friday, April 27, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
yoyo!!!im still recovering...i hate cough!!we did lots of summary writing today. i think it do help me abit.. maths, i dont really understand. but mrs thang said after mid-yr she will give us do alot of papers and we can look for her during recess. yep~ monday is the start of mid-yr already. im so worry~ can i make it? hope so bahs...bye~ ...

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
hello everyone!!!i didnt go to school today. im sick since yesterday... i was feeling terrible the whole of yesterday. mummy woke me up today and im still not okay... after that, i actually wanna go school but i scared it will affect my performance during oral exam.. so decided to rest. it really sucks to fall sick during this period of time. especially jus a week before exams... i know once im sick, i will...

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Monday, April 23, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
added new background song.by Cheon Sang Ji Hee, Lovers Ah OST.nice song, i think.while listening to it, thoughts flash through my mind. i saw 2 letters from my best friend. i read the second, i almost cried. i really missed those days. you ended with Best Sister. i wanna question, am i still? hais~ whether what we predict will come true or not, i still hope it wont. cos i have know you so long....

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Sunday, April 22, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
NEWS!!!校園瘋神榜 V6挑戰克難旅行JET日本台的招牌綜藝,由傑尼斯偶像團體V6主持的「校園瘋神榜」,將推出新一季節目。V6將要挑戰「出外靠學生~0元克難旅行」,遊戲規則就是V6根據當地學生的推薦選定旅行景點,旅程中除了製作單位提供的交通工具以外,沒有半毛錢的資金。V6首先是去新瀉縣長岡市參加擁有500年傳統活動日本鬥牛,也就是兩隻牛互頂牛角,周圍的人則拍打牛身,激發牛的鬥志。當10歲的巨大鬥牛入場時,V6才知這可不是開玩笑的,經過一番纏鬥後,大伙還起鬨叫三宅健與井之原快彥騎上牛背。井之原一騎上去就語無倫次的跟牛講話:「你真可愛」,笑翻一堆人。「校園瘋神榜」今年10月即將迎接10周年慶,這是V6出道以來第一個為他們量身訂作的綜藝節目,10年以來單元創意不斷推陳出新,一直受到廣大粉絲的支持,也足見六人的魅力十足。----------------------------------------赤西仁歸隊 KAT-TUN全員開唱去年10月突然宣布赴美留學的KAT-TUN當紅團員赤西仁,前天又無預警地返抵東京,昨天下午1時30分在六本木召開記者會,赤西仁以流利英文小秀留學半年成果,並宣告正式歸隊,今天從KAT-TUN仙台演唱會開始,重返歌迷面前。赤西仁在KAT-TUN聲勢節節高升之際,突然於去年10月中隻身飛往洛杉磯,令歌迷、媒體心中留下許多疑問。前天下午5時,赤西仁在多位工作人員護送下,祕密搭機回到成田機場。昨天終於6人再度合體的KAT-TUN,在東京六本木召開記者會,宣布赤西仁正式歸隊,訪問時,其他5位團員表達對赤西仁歸隊的欣喜之外,頻頻轉頭看許久未見的赤西仁,並坦言他不在期間,大家工作時常覺若有所失。赤西仁報告他在洛杉磯努力學英文,3個月前為了準備回國,開始上發聲練習課程,赴美期間並未如部分媒體傳言有偷偷回日本。被問及留學的成果,赤西仁以流利的英文回應:「這是一次人生的學習。」今天KAT-TUN在仙台的演唱會,赤西仁將現身向歌迷打招呼,並將投入全國巡迴演唱會演出。--------------------------------------F4扮酷 木村貼痣耍寶 搞笑版流星花園樂翻日迷F4上月旋風訪日,4人現身富士電視台王牌綜藝節目「SMAP X SMAP」,F4先跟SMAP合演搞笑版日劇「流星花園」,兩隊組合又玩遊戲「花樣丸子」,結果節目本月16日在日本播出時,偶像人氣果然創下收視新高;而F4將在明天下午舉辦大型影友會,日韓近5千名影迷及日本媒體將組團抵台,唯台灣粉絲不得其門而入。分兩隊比賽 仔仔慘吞辣丸合演搞笑版日劇「流星花園」是木村拓哉的構思,短劇中,木村不但戴上假髮扮校長,臉上還貼了顆痣,耍寶的造型讓觀眾笑翻,「大口仔」香取慎吾螢幕常扮女裝,這回他戴上綁著辮子的假髮扮杉菜,搞笑演出也令人噴飯,草弓剪剛最正常,劇中他飾演同學,而F4則各自扮演在「流」劇裡的角色,4個人一出場就酷到不行。F4現身後,現場一群臨演同學擊掌叫好,木村拓哉跟著出現後被叫成F5,他則擺出一副冷面笑匠的樣子,說自己是「校長」啦;F4在短劇中都說中文,有趣的是,他們還分成兩隊一起玩遊戲,各自以西洋劍串起巨型丸子,以5個回合定勝負,每輸1仗要輪流吃勁辣丸子,雖然「仔仔」周渝民慘吞辣丸,幸好最後F4以5比2反勝SMAP,總算辣得有代價,而他們透過翻譯一起在後台聊天,私下互動得很不錯。短劇受歡迎 上網搶先看因後製剪接的作業,這集節目本月16日才播出,播出後反應奇佳,平均收視率為20.4,短劇演出最高收視率還高達22.8,日本富士電視台日前還寫信謝謝F4;據知平常該節目收視率平均為17,F4的造訪,足足多了3個百分點,而這樣的收視佳績也只有在山口智子復出的時候,才有過這樣的高收視,F4錄製的這集節目,在www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JRc6wXmXEw會有完整播出,粉絲可以上網一睹為快。台灣影友會僅開放日韓粉絲F4明天的影友會進入倒數計時,這幾天已陸續有粉絲抵台,由於活動只針對日韓影迷,因此台灣粉絲想一睹偶像連門都沒有,據知曾有台灣粉絲表達不滿,觀光局事後回應將會再評估及規畫。影友會當天,憑19日至22日來台的登機證及護照,現場可以接受海外影迷入場,名額約2百人,不過「觀星」位置不佳。F4將在台上合唱2首歌,也會和師奶及粉絲玩遊戲,活動時間長達1個半小時,由於陣仗很大,目前主辦單位已安排近百位保安維持秩序。----------------------------------------------Rain參加日本節目錄影 問及趙承熙事件尷尬不已「亞洲小天王」Rain昨天上午9時30分參加日本電視台晨間訪談節目,該節目主要討論時事新聞及娛樂新聞,當天以美國維吉尼亞理工大學槍擊案韓裔兇嫌趙承熙生前自拍光碟新聞為頭條,正當轉播美國NBC電台播出的新聞時,令他露出尷尬表情直呼:「希望不要再有類似的事件發生!」當天一名男來賓問Rain對這則新聞的看法,他當場表情尷尬,他說:「我感到非常遺憾,希望不再發生類似的事件。」另名來賓未因此放過他,再次要求他對此事件說出個人觀點,他則反復強調說:「昨天看到新聞,感到非常震驚,不能再發生類似的事件。」Rain這次是為了宣傳下周三在日本東京巨蛋舉行的《Rain's Coming》演唱會,而參加當天的節目錄影,他卻萬萬沒想到因趙承熙的槍擊慘案,意外成為新聞配角。---------------------------------「Super Junior」奎賢今病情未見好轉 今、明天兩天是關鍵期韓國13人組男子團體「Super Junior」成員神童、銀赫、利特、奎賢昨淩晨結束錄影工作返家途中遇翻車事故,其中成員奎賢傷勢最重,到今天上午病情仍不見好轉,可能有生命危險,醫院方面表示他已恢復意識,今、明天兩天是關鍵期。他所屬的SM經紀公司表示:「奎賢的狀態沒惡化也沒好轉,但我們相信他正慢慢地好轉中。」家人、粉絲也不斷地替他祈福,希望他能趕快痊癒。他昨天抵達醫院時,肋骨處出現骨折斷裂,肺部因此嚴重受損,出現氣胸症狀。現在雖然兩肺間插入管子,但呼吸仍不順暢,須帶人工呼吸器,而肺裡出現血泡的狀況還會持續幾日。奎賢已恢復意識,但人工呼吸器會帶來疼痛,醫院方面已經使用藥物讓他安定,現在正等待肺部恢復正常。News Source: Yahoo TAIWAN-------------------------------------- New Release Album!!华语/ChineseSinger: Vanness WuAlbum Name: V.DUBBReleased: 20 April 2007----------------------------韩国/KoreaSinger: Various ArtistsAlbum Name: Lovers Ah OSTReleased: 17 April 2007Music Source: z-degrees.net ...

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Sunday, April 22, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
yoyo!!later on, meeting peggie and audrey to study. yup! really studying~ one more week to exams!!yesterday, what i can say is i screwed up my chinese oral. i was so nervous that i kept scratching my hand. i almost cried when i was at the conversation part. the teacher gave me a cold look alright..which i felt so lost and dont know what to do. im so dissappointed... had my 2.4km run too... i might...

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Friday, April 20, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
hellos!okays... i know i have not been updating NEWS for a long time.. try to bear with me alright? cause exams are around the corner and i have to do revision every now and then. sorry everyone~yups. 5 periods of english today. most of us hate thursday. i mean my class~ hahas!! alright~ i reached school and it was drizzling. liping accompanied to the locker to take my book. we spent 5-10mins to open a...

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Thursday, April 19, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
HAPPY BDAE TO~- PEGGIE ONG!!!!LOVE!!! MEOW~- MR YEO!!!stay healthy!!!------------------------------------ KAT-TUN new Album!!!Cartoon KAT-TUN II You!!!release date: 18042007-----------------------------------end here... nth to say~ hahas!! ...

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Thursday, April 19, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
my class tee!!! 409!! home-coming!! -----------------------------------taken on 180407 done by: Peggie... Xue's Topo Map done by: Xue'Esame! ...

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
yoyo!!!160407MONDAY!!!i went school full of sleepiness. ahahas~ did abit of so-called resolution for home-coming day. mrs ho questioned few of us on what could be done to make our sales better. then she did abit on oral practice. im quite worried about my oral.. hahahs!!170406mrs ho did oral practice today for english. poa, went through personal a/cs. i passed my poa test.. ahahas~ maths, went through TYS. hah!! lets see whether i can get a...

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Monday, April 16, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
yo!i have a feeling, my eyes may be swollen tomorrow. and i officially declare BROKE!! hahahas~ i really spend alot this month. but mummy didnt nag at me. so if im being petty on money issue, forgive me alright? hahahas~ i really need to save up.went out around 4+... get some stuff and just got home not long. tired right now.... i just hope she will be happy.watched Kurosagi in the morning. yamapi soOo handsome!...

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Sunday, April 15, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
HELLO!!!sorry for not updating... has been busy with school work.130407the day before home-coming. got my class t-shirt. overall, i like it.. hahhas!! first class tee in my sec sch life. most of my classmates stayed back to help out. rongyi's daddy sent me home... thanks!TODAY!!HOME-COMING!!!it's the day to see whether our hard work pay off.meet huixin, felicia and chaywei at CP. bought our breakfast and headed to school. once we reached, went to the staff...

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Thursday, April 12, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
1 NEWS!!山下智久「求婚」挑戰「月9」富士電視台4月16日開播的連續劇「求婚大作戰」,昨(10)日舉行製作發表會,男女主角山下智久、長澤雅美相偕出席。長澤雅美語出驚人地說:「結婚絕對是時機問題,我明天結婚也說不定…;但這是不可能的事。(笑)」二度與山下智久合作的長澤雅美,在該劇第1集就披嫁紗!不過,結婚對象並不是青梅竹馬的男朋友(山下智久飾),悔不當初的男友於是想盡辦法讓時間倒轉,與事實上已嫁人的女友再度回到青春年代,讓他們有機會重新檢驗彼此愛情的深度。山下智久與長澤雅美曾合演「龍櫻」,2度攜手後,傳出約會逛夜店的緋聞。正值適婚年齡的這對「情侶」,此次因為合作拍片近水樓台的關係,說不定會替他們製造結婚的「時機」。首次主演「月9」的山下智久,被記者問到他會不會有壓力?山下表示,他過去演什麼戲都會全力以赴。而昨日山下因為過度緊張,臉上的表情顯得超酷。SOURCE: YAHOO TAIWAN------------------------------------ PICTURES!!!Real Face Concert DVD bookletCredit: boys_paper http://community.livejournal.com/boys_paper/ ...

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
100407HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!TO~WEITING!!! [10041991]堂本剛(KinKi Kids)!!! [10041979] (JE)佐竹滉輝(OSSaN)!!! [10041990] (JE)alright!! i was not in a good mood today. my day was spoilt by SOMEBODY!!! people might think im petty or what.. but wanna tell you that.. im tha kind who can tolerate whatever shit people said about me.. or when they played jokes with me which sometimes may hurt my pride, i will still take it. but when i cant tolerate anymore, too bad!! ur doom's day!!...

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Tuesday, April 10, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
greetings first!!080407HAPPY BDAE~ JEREMY TEO!!!090407HAPPY BDAE TO~ YAMASHITA TOMOHISA!!!wow!! it's Yamapi's bdae today!!! He's 22 now!!! hahahas~ NEWS SPRING CONCERT will end on the 15th this month...school today was fun... hahhas!! bye~ gonna sleep soon!! ...

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Tuesday, April 10, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
NEWS TIME!!!A Talks about Arena Tour and New Korean AlbumBefore the second concert of her 'Made In Twenty' Arena Tour began, BoA held a brief press conference at the Yokohama Arena. In the conference BoA talked about the tour and her upcoming Korean album.Arena TourBoA said this year's tour was her most extravagant tour yet, with an emphasis on special effects and visuals rather than on her vocals only.When asked about her first concert of...

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Tuesday, April 10, 2007 / BY hseolahcc

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Monday, April 09, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
hellos!!!i had a fun day with GFs!!!met peggie, fiona and bryan at CP. we went bugis to have our lunch at Pasta Mania. then, liping and didi came to meet us. walked around... went bugis street, peggie and i saw the bag we want. after that, headed down to Vivo. met audrey there~ wen went to DAISO. i bought a file... next, to pet safari. cute hamsters and dogs!!! ahh~ hahahas!!! went to arcade... played...

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Saturday, April 07, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
hellos!!i woke up damn early today!! 7am!! sucks lars~ hahahs!!went uncle's house around 9am. do some notes~ then erjie and the rest came. watched tv..and chat about jacky cheung. LOLS!! then, dajie, erjie, kor and sis left to work and outing with friends. so left me... i was so bored lars~ had my lunch and uncle drove us home. around 3+, peggie came my house. studied together... hahahas~ then stop work at 5pm. she wanna...

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Saturday, April 07, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
NEWS TIME!!뉴스 시간!!ニュースの時間!!韩国Super Junior Invited to Beijing Award ShowThe 13-member idol boy band "Super Junior" has been invited to a music award show in Beijing opening 7:30 p.m. this Sunday.They will sing their hit song 'U,' which is beloved by Chinese fans, at the ceremony and meet fans at an earlier red carpet event.However, not all of the 13 members will be attending. Six of them who work as a smaller trot music band won't...

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Thursday, April 05, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
HELLO!!!NEW SKIN!!!*clap*yups... shall state everything clear now cos i think some people don't read properly.1st: this blog not only talks about my life.. now there will news, pics, etc..added.2nd: If you are taking anythings out, please credit. some of them is not my work but it's others. So please respect.3rd: you can leave comments about my blog.. good or bad. No personal attacks or vulgarities!4th: nonsense will not be entertain. 5th: Be kind and not...

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Tuesday, April 03, 2007 / BY hseolahcc
IT'S APRIL!!3 months passed~ omg!! mid-yr is coming. this week and next week, i will be busy helping with my class for home-cuming day. =)) i havent contact the ice-cream girl. hahahas~ shall call up tmr.today, mrs thang wrote up on the board on what we are going to do this week. she even gave us the first revision worksheet. i have to plan my time-table already. rahh~ time is catching up. i must score...

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