
by - Thursday, April 27, 2006

PE, do 5 items...quite badly done.boo~eng, went com lab.im happy with my chinese test..34/50..i tot i would get at least a pass but tis test is the best chinese test i ever scored bahs..ahahas~POA, doing final a/c...e-maths, i just tink dat mr lee is rushing us to learn last min thing..hais~went to look fer rongyi after lessons..had our lunch in the canteen.stupid benedict lars..shoot out my dirty secret!!! idiot~!! hahahas...oral!!! omg! im so scared~i tink for most of my sentences, i translated it straight frm eng-chinese..hahahas~i bet sun lao shi had a hard time listening to me...hahahas~after dat, went to look fer rongyi again.studied together with galfrens.sabrina's daddy sent me n rongyi home again..thankies so so much, uncle~!! muacks! oops! hahahas...

watched "GOONG" just now.i cried...wad shin goon said to chaegyung make me cried..it's the both parties' fault.why din shin goon confessed his love fer chaegyung earlier..why did chaegyung keep wantin to escape...chaegyung blamed herself fer only tinkin abt her own feelings w/o considering shin's. shin goon's hearbreak when chaegyung said out the word 'divorce'..urgh~so touching.melts my heart...left a few more espisodes to the end...wonder wad will happen...how abt yul goon??

im recovering now!!! yeahs~except fer my voice..dat irritating voice..hahahas!!! kies! schedule fer tmr!! i will hid myself in my room fer revision..i will be online still but if nth impt, pls dn pm me..i nid to STUDY!!! I HAVE NO MORE TIME!!! =)) sorry ars!! hehs... everyone, let's mug hard together!!! jiayou!! FIGHTING!!

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