
by - Friday, April 21, 2006

im so tired..cant get my lazy bums off my bed when mummy woke me up.todae im early~went fer chairman meeting.Maths, i don noe wad the hell mr lee is teaching.too complicated alr.recess,ate fish burger..ahahas!! fer chem, was doing last year's mid-yr paper..i shouted at Haziq..IM SORRY~HAZIQ!! i feel so guilty.i dn noe why did i do dat..why do i vent my anger on others..hais!! i hate my actions lars..mrs raj asked me how i find the paper..i told her it;s nt difficult actually..she said becos we haven start revising..dats y!!


i cant figure out why isit dat im feeling so dull tis few daes.get irritated easily.can someone tell me? haiis~why isit i don noe why im thinking and feeling?? WHY?? im goin crazy.
no mood fer everything..it affects my studies.NONO~i cant afford to waste my time on this undescribeable feeling..NO WAY!! if i had offended anyone, i sincerely apologised to u..i didnt mean it..
i tink im suffering frm Depression. i dn noe~sad!! haiis...HELP!!!

i went home straight after sch.had my lunch and take a nap.i dreamt if something..so scary dat i opened my eyes widely..i tink i m too stressed out alr..maybe why im facing such moodswing is becos i tink too much or over stressed myself...MAYBE!! i told myself, tmr i will smile and get rid of that feeling..yeah? FIGHTING!!


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