

by - Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Finally, killed my crave for korean bbq yesterday! ^^

thanks to my wonderful colleagues !

We went to Manbok. I realised I went there like 2 years ago (?). We had their lunch set since it was lunch. Ordered Spicy grilled chicken set. REALLY SPICY!! hahhaa!
We ordered Rice cake & Kimchi Jeon! Kimchi Jeon is nice. Ddokboki is soso only. Sigh!

We kept laughing nonstop because of the 아저씨~ we kept on winking at me. I thought he's like replacing a smile.. but no~ he personally serve me lime juice while the rest was served by a 오빠. Then, he came with a can of Orange Juice just for me. LOLS! I really laughed out. 아저씨~ 고마워요!! 하하하!

Making payment was eve n funny. Uncle asked if I have namecard. But too bad, I dont bring my namecard out for lunch. Then he gave a sad face :( I will go back since I have such a nice treat. LOLS! Then these Faviia, damn bad! Gave uncle a false hope. LOLS! 

 아저씨~ 나는 에쁜 말하는주셔서 너무고맙습니다!! ^^ 귀여은 아저씨!! >.<

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