

by - Wednesday, July 03, 2013


This would be my last post before flying to China. Gonna hit the sack after this... super tiredzzzz!

YES!! Title speaks everything!!
I wanna thank Jasmine for going with me! So onz! We bought it like a week before the concert for Cat 3. Seats still not bad! Almost the same as what I had for Big Bang Alive Tour. Yea man!!

And soooo... I will let the pics tell you how happy I am! hahaha!

My first ootd! But too kiddy for Gdragon! So he requested to change. LOLS! Really BHB! hahaha~

Forced Sister to take pic with me. Reluctantly posed! hahaha!

Camwhore before the show! Pic with BB Lightstick! Proud to be a VIP! AYO!




To me, it's another memory locked. I really happy to be knowing KPOP for 9 years. My music style changes in between. If TVXQ is still as 5, I think I wouldnt be an VIP now. Me is really a super kpop fanatic. LOLS! I speak korean! ahhaha! 

Will be heading to F1 Singapore Grand Prix concert for Big Bang! YES! They are coming! Already bought our tixs! (Me and Jasmine). No wait! Just buy~ ahahaha!
Cant wait for 20th Sep!! Gonna apply leave for that day! ahahah! Crazy me~ but for BB! Crown lightstick to be seen then on! hahaha!

Enough of fan account~ Me gonna sleep soon cos I have to wake up at 5am!! To prepare for airport~ Gonna rock Xiamen, China. And~ I hope I could get my sim card if not~~ wont be contactable. No updates~~ Totally shut down from world and living a farmer live for 4 days. 

Off now~~ See ya! Click on the ads oki?

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