

by - Sunday, July 28, 2013

Hello Sunday!
It's Sunday and back to weekly work tomorrow!

Recently, I kept thinking about my life. So boring~~ whoever I asked out all rejected me. See! Im a loner! Well, maybe it's time issue. But you see! I do not have a steady friend whom I can turn to whenever I need her/him. I hate it when Im like mass sending text to different group of friends to see whether they are available to go out. Why I hate it? Because most of the time I got rejected. Plan spoil... Really really dislike.

To be honest, my life now is only work go home, work and go home. Weekend is the only 2 days I could have fun, dress up super nicely. But I have no one to go out with.. I ended up cooping in my room. Doing what? Looking at clothes to launch new collection, watch dramas, blog (if I can think of a topic). Yes! Just like that. like F*! I WANT TO FREAKIN GO OUT! JUST GET MY ASS OUT OF MY HOUSE! Yet... no one willing to spend time with me.
Very sad cow here.

Sometimes, I just miss the days in poly. When I have ESC to keep me busy. After classes, I can look for many friends. One random text "Anyone want lunch?" There sure be someone who said 'YES!'. Even if there is no one, I have ESC clubroom to coop myself up with projects, camp stuffs & ESC stuffs. I just buy my own food and stay in clubroom whole day. And of course, in and out, I get to see my committee members. If bored, there is other 2 clubrooms to knock and chat with them.
After i graduated, everyone went separate ways. We no longer contact. My social circle become real small. I was really shocked and sad when I realised it.

People keep saying because I am busy. Yes, I am busy because I am freakin working from 845am to 530pm or overtime sometimes. But I have weekends right? I have my fridays too. I mean meeting up for simple dinner is also fine w me. I dont understand why they have to put it in a way it's my fault because I AM BUSY?
I tried my best to keep in touch.. and soon I gave up. I rather work overtime so that I am really busy to not reminding myself how lonely I am.

I get super frequent moodswings because of this. Therefore, Maison de Posh is my only motivation to keep me moving and working towards my dream. I get many feedbacks about it when I told some of my friends about starting Maison de Posh.
Like I am being in a spotlight. To me, they might be using me for their benefits. I dont know for what also. I am just gonna do it myself. A little improvement is also good for me.

So my only friend now is Maison de Posh = ME.
Maybe I should try going out myself, alone. It may be an achievement unlock! hoh!? hahaha!
I dont mind going out alone then meet new friends. Fate what? hahaha!
So to all the loners out there, we could be bffs by chance! hahaha!

Ending now. Have shoot later on with my new girls! Do get live feeds on my instagrams! @maisondeposh & @hseolahcc


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