

by - Sunday, June 16, 2013

Wishing all the papa in the world a HAPPY FATHERS' DAY!
To Papa Yap~ Thanks for being sucha nice papa!!

Lack of updates because I have no mood recently to do whatever things...
So I shall post about Bear Ho's 21st birthday celebration!

Will post my Taiwan trip soon. Sorry eh~~ hahahah.

Bear had his mini celebration. It was fun... before he fly off...
We had fun laughing mad the whole night. That's all we need!!


We had a little surprised celebration for Shi Han on Friday. But he know everything before we reach. hahaha! Celebrated at Timbre with my classmates. Really happy to meet them so soon. 


Yesterday I went to watch Man of Steel. To be honest, it's my first superhero movie in 23 years. Im not a fan of superhero shows. So I don't watch Batman, Superman, Iron Man, Spiderman etc. But Man of Steel was kind of accident. hahaha! I know it was about Superman  like before we are going in to the theater. Joke siak! BUT!! I love the show! Superman is HANDSOME! His body is HOT! hahahaha! Maybe I should try more genres of movies since most of my friends dont watch horror. Sigh~~ no horror movie kakis. Am so sad~~ hahaha!

Anyways, gonna end here because I am tired already. Gonna search where to bring my parents to eat later~~ any suggestions??

Happy Sunday to all~ 

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