

by - Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tonight, Im just staring at the sistic website hesitating whether to go G-Dragon's concert, alone.

Anyway, I shall wait for payday to come then I decide. Because I have to plan my next collection. Hopefully next collection will be better.

I really need to take a break or give myself a break from all the stress that come from different areas. I googled about my symptoms and it's a type of depression. I always have panic attack that I know. But I have kind of no longer having it. But now it's more different.

Anhedonia -  is defined as the inability to experience pleasure from activities.
Anhedonia can be a characteristic of mental disorders including mood disordersschizoaffective disorderschizoid personality disorder and schizophrenia.

I am trying to find myself back or fighting this time of me. Maybe I just have to much expects from the world, that always disappoint me time to time.

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