
by - Tuesday, February 10, 2009

my blogskin will be up tomorrow!
fast right?
of cos lars...i used the whole day thinking about what to change kay..

this saturday is valentine's day nehs?!
i will be working..hahaha!
i rmb last year i made choco for my friends...it was my first time making.
and i received choco from my friends too.
i miss all this... cos my younger sisters and brothers are sososo cute.
actually i wanna date my frens out...but i have to work.
butbut! next friday we'll meet!

so sorry girls...
i have not been spending time with all of u.
some of u go to sch already..
the rest... i can only meet weekdays..but sometimes i cannot.
my weekends are reserved for work. so bad nehs..

whatever lars...
long holidays make my blog super duper crappy.
maybe i should post more with my hubbies?

off now!

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