
by - Friday, February 13, 2009

work today was bad at first...
cos tmr will only be the official start of the roadshow..today is just set-up.
you know i woke up super early?! idiotic...
luckily there's other promoters too.

simply nothing to do...
and it's outdoor. so imagine the super hot and shiny sun..so fishball right?!
and i had gastric pain... it's freaking pain kays?! i totally shocked too...first time it hurts so much.
i thought im fainting. LOLS!
saw chaywei!!!!!!!!!
and she bought me a tag or something...oh~ something dat can paste on my ez-link card? omg! i forgot...hahah!
i saw my ex-colleage too. freaking long never see him liaos...he changed abit. hahaha! lucky we still remember each other! hees~
it was so tempting...when dexter called me to ask me out. wth!
i very long never go walk walk ler lehs! please occupy my weekdays..just leave mon and tue alone for me to rest. hahaha!
wed-fri...i dont mind mahjong, shopping or movie.. hahaha!
suddenly i miss town. haha!

i haven buy the girls v-day presents...wth!
owe u girls first!
fastest next fri when we meet up kay?
pardon me...

off now!
tmr is gonna be a long and tiring day... hope the sun is not dat hot yea?

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