

by - Monday, February 02, 2009

finally im updating! LOLS~

my 19th bdae celebration.

the girls gave me a surprise at vivocity rooftop garden(? not sure about the name).
it was so sweet of them. they made 2 boards featuring all of us. and i love it. seriously, simple things liddat is nice. took many pics. and am not gonna update them all here.
ohya~ they bought me a mickey watch too. i know im 19 and it's childish for wearing sucha watch. but it's my hand and not urs. hahaha~ i love the watch too! now, i am wearing it whenever i go out. heeeS!

31st feb,
went over to adeline's house. played mahjong. adeline's mom ordered kfc for us. hehs! ate my favourite drumstick. fattening i know, but i just love it. continued playing mahjong. weiting and i won. played Big 2. again, both of us win. but weiting win the most. LOLS! left around 7pm. took 163 with weiting. i go erjie's house. and lotsa people. once i stepped out of the lift. everyone outside was looking at me. LOLS~ and my daddy said 'she's my daughter!.' hahaha~ i heard an uncle asking me to call him 'brother'? haha!
mummy cant be bothered with me cos she's playing mahjong. ahaha~ so i went to the kitchen to get some food. my cutie, anjing, damn funny. she wanna eat jelly..and i asked her to ask her mummy whether she can eat. instead she insist that she will ask my father. LOLS! she loves my daddy okay! watched people playing blackjack. the same old auntie is the banker. she won hell lotsa $$$$. erjie and me shared together. i freaking lost $18. talked to some of my cousin's frens. in the past, i cant even be bothered with them..cos i dont really like them. but this year, i talk to them. wow right?! anyways, maybe becos ive changed and can interact with people better? maybe bahs.. i dont know. but that's good. if not people might think im unfriendly. no hors!
decided to play my own. and i eventually won $18 and extra back. LOLS!
we were too noisy...and man in blue came. hahaha~
left around 1or2am++.

1st feb,
woke up early to clean my room.
nicole, jiahao and tingwei reach first. followed by joanne and adeline.
the rest then came later. desmond korkor brought 'connected' dvd to watch. so everyone was watching attentively. LOLS~ after the show, started blackjack-ing. won $$$...yay!
all of us left around 6pm to benedict's house. shared cab with lixin, nicole and huixin.
had steamboat at ben's house. so full man! hahaha~ gamble abit..and huixin's dad sent me home. thankyou!
frens!!! i hope u enjoyed urselfs!

i woke up late. hahaha~
too tired...hasnt been sleeping well for the past few days.
my uncle said im correct. haha~ the SP course is more technical...and for my interest, the TP course would be a better choice. so i am not withdrawing my appeal. hees~ means greater chance of being in the same as weiting. hahaha! now, just hope god bless me. hahaha!
should i go genting with my frens? feel like...and feel like not. LOLS!

okay... call me a fool. cos ive think too much.
isit you?
i wish u all the best.
we'll never meet again...
i dont wanna see you...
get lost!

im gonna have a new life.
thankyou for ur .............................................

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