
what i've missed...

by - Wednesday, February 04, 2009

stayed at home today again! hahaha~
but i enjoy lars...cos i watched iljimae. LOLS!

yea~ i miss jang geun suk!
this is his new cf for Samsung Yepp.
ya! samsung! dats why i love the brand! cos TVXQ, SNSD, Jang Geun Suk are all spokesperson.
hope geun suk oppa will have new drama coming soon!

and on 30th jan, besides my birthday, it also marked the start of Big Bang's concert 'Big Show'.
and kill me cos i totally forgotten about it!
some pics ive got from some sites...

my jiyong is forever HOT!

love the stage. their opening was Haru Haru with orchestra.
i hope the dvd comes out fast!!
pics credit: yepp.co.kr, bigbang fansite.
ohya, tmr getting pay!! weehoo!!!!!!!
$$$$$ again!
getting it after mahjong session. hees~
good night!

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