
by - Wednesday, February 25, 2009

good morning!

didnt blog ytd cos im LAZY! hahaha~
im finishing Rookies. woohoo! the movie for Rookies is showing in Japan in May.
i hope singapore will show. hahaha~ since miotv aired the drama. LOLS!
i wanna see more shirota yuu...of course the drama is touching lars.
went erjie's house. finally know how to fill this and that. now need to print this and that. go medical check up and do the cpf thingy. sian! hahaha~ so much thing. but erjie said we are lucky already.
played spot the difference with dajie and erjie. they super hook up to that game. lols~
too bad, im seriously a game noob. hahaha~
ohya, weiting asked me wanna go genting with frens...but me not going cos need to save $$$ for taiwan.

ohya~ dajie~ u wanna go natas fair to check on the package?
i have my vacation dates already. ytd forget to tell u.
pls msn me or anything, when u read this! hahaha~

today gonna go out with mummy. cos she needs to help uncle to do prayers to god...since my uncle is not in singapore. my uncle is super lucky kays? it should not snow now but it snow. lols~ he is in beijing for a month lohs..coming back next week, i think. end-of-year, i wan taiwan!
save $$$$$$$!!! so have to workkkk! workaholic. LOLS!
ya..gonna spend the vouchers erjie gave me. hahaha~ expire like end of this month. dots...

omg lars...my weekdays pass super fast lors. friday always remind me that i have to work next day. LOLS!
but when i think of taiwan, i will work. hahah~ crazy eh?

off now.

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