

by - Tuesday, April 29, 2008


chinese prelim today!
i must say, i hope i can get what i want!
not much hope on the papers! hahahas~

paper 1 topics were like... when i saw it.. dots was what i see! bubble pop out with DOTS! hahahas~oh well, i still try my very best to think of points to write...good that last minute there were quite a number of points flow through my mind.. hahahas~ paper 2 was... question marks! i dont even understand the first passage. but nevermind, i did what i can lers! should be alright! self-console. haahas~

after the exam, went CP with shiting. we ate at mac! thanks shiting! i think i rant alot at you. hahhaas~ but u like it right? hahahas~ shall study together more next week..ya?

going off now.. becos i have nothing else to blog.
oh ya! may be going shopping on labour day! yay!!
and there is EL common test tmr! FISH!

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