
by - Wednesday, April 23, 2008


did not go school yesterday.. went to see the doctor.
slept alot!! hahahas~

took medicine before i leave home. feel giddy..damn! hahas! walked damn restlessly to class.. thanks chi heng for going down...:D MT, went ava for test. no mood to do..just hope for a pass. studied abit on egeog..could not absorb much. EG, test! yup~flunk! hahas~ EM, did not do much.. slept awhile. recess, ate in class! physics, went lab.. practical sucks lars!! poa, three of us were damn quiet. hahahas~ thats good. she said that we kept talking mahs.. but we were providing answers lors.. since she dont like it, we shall not participate anymore. hahahas~ dont take students for granted! yups~ she pissed me off! im still angry with her. hahas! after school, went hg point with char, joanne, chaywei and pig leg. LOLS! joanne went home first. ate with chaywei first... told her something... then, char and pig leg came.. after eating, they went back for chinese extra lesson and i went home.. becos even if i go, i will not be listening.. not feeling well!

i shall link amanda peng! hahahas~ check hors!

不要把我们之间发生的事, 说得好象是我一个人的错.
活了十八年, 我始终要相信, 世界是不公平也不公道的.
虽然失望, 但为了生存, 我不能再认为人是完全好的.
世界上, 没有好人.

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