

by - Friday, April 25, 2008

im here again!

today was soso!!
studied on poa test in the morning before going to school. studied abit in the bus too! EL, sentence structure..quite boring~ i was feeling abit sleepy. PE, slept after studying poa..becos we are done with the 5 items and im sick..so couldnt go running with the girls. POA, i think i will fail again.hahas~ cos i did a question wrongly. rahh~ did not go for recess. thus, abit bad mood cos im hungry. haha! chem, practical. i think i improve abit. hees~ however, did one experiment wrongly. hahaahs~ went home after school. was considering whether to go back for chinese extra lesson..cos i missed one lesson ler! however, decided not to go...no mood to study. took 2 hours sleep. ya... this is my friday!

tomorrow meeting shiting and weiting for breakfast and then chinese lesson. tuesday is chinese prelim..and i simply still idling around. wth~

super junior M's album is out!!
i like Marry U. and Love U Love U...
however, i miss the 13 of them. i dont hate SJ M but do not like ZM.. i find him abit.... forget it! hahahas~ henry is okay. the rest is definitely loveable! esp mr lee dong hae!

i miss my hubbies!
now, less news on f.t island.
superjunior are not together. therefore, less news.
TVXQ in japan.
ai ni ai ni!

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