
by - Sunday, April 13, 2008

just found out something!
a 'xuee' went to chaywei's blog to tag.. trying to make us break out..sorry hors! i am gonna tell u dat u are a damn bloody stupid person to do this.. HELLO!! wad era is this now? still using this kinda method to destroy people's relationship.
it's a stupid thingy to do!
fyi, i have sort things out with chaywei..and i noe she is sensible to understand..

unlike u, like me so much dat u have to pose.. i know i have a nice name..but too bad lars.. the crime u committed arent brillant at all.. to us, we think u are a clown. downright despicable clown.

i shall curse u in my heart..

and i tell u!!

u have step onto my tail and i am gonna bite u into pieces!!


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